Cs Name: Stun the Beetle Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2zjauc5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/044/5/e/RHINO_BEETLE_for_gatchagrey_by_totmoartsstudio2.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Stun is a ruthless murderous sadistic and evil brute. He loves nothing more to destroy anything which gets in his way. He often raids towns and destroy them. He hardly listens to anyone. Including Jacob, it's rare that he follows orders. He is short tempered and easily angry. Despite all this, he is rather smart and thinks strategic at times, although sometimes he ignores his smarts and goes for brute strength. Bio: Ever since Stun's parents were killed by a mob of humans, Stun and his brothers and sisters managed to escape with their lives but they were separated. Stun never bothered to help his brothers and sisters, he didn't care about them and still doesn't. He joined Jacob when he was promised power and all the destruction he wanted, with his help, he became much stronger. Human Power: Insect Manipulation Animorph Power: Psychic and Telekinesis. Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings. Family: Bakuryu, Kai Haku, Robin, Viper, Cronos, Reggie, Electra, Shina. Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: