[center] [i]Aspin Aeternus ll Nexus Town Square[/i] Brynn should have been studying by now. She had a schedule: two hours of gaming, then three hours of studying, repeat. Nonetheless, she had been online for nearly four hours now. Believe it or not, she was more anxious about the fact that she was unable to study than the fact that she was stuck in this game. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism, to save her the panic that had consumed most of the other players in this world. Brynn felt a droplet land on her nose and she looked up, only to have more droplets land on her face. "Of course, it's raining now... that seems fair." She mumbled, mildly annoyed by the situation. At this point, most of the other players had taken shelter inside, fighting over the few inns that made up Nexus. Brynn, however, didn't feel much like being cooped up inside or going to sleep. If she was going to be stuck here anyway, she wanted to explore. Maybe if she spent the night scoping the place out, she would have an advantage over her fellow players and would know what her next move should be. As Brynn wandered down one of the streets that branched off of Main Street, she heard a man singing and the gentle strumming of a harp. [i]Who would be playing a harp in a time like this? And in this weather?[/i] She thought to herself as she walked closer to the source of the music. Soon, she came upon the source of the music, a man with bright red hair and no shirt leaning against a wall. He seemed pretty content with his situation, to Brynn's surprise. As he continued singing, Brynn felt as if she recognized the song, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before. "Excuse me, where is that song from?" Brynn addressed him as she attempted to shield herself from the rain with her arm. It was doing her no good though, and she was covered in goosebumps. Her wood elf attire did little to protect her from the elements. She would have to find herself a nice warm cloak tomorrow if she could afford it. She directed her attention back at the man, waiting for him to respond. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]HP:[/b] 100 [b]SP:[/b] 100 [b]Level 1[/b] [b]Inventory[/b] [b]Potion[/b] x5 [b]Gold[/b] x80 [b]Twig[/b] x5 [b]Sandwich[/b] x2[/center]