Name: James Saunderson Age: 26 Gender: Male Orientation: Asexual Position in Band: Synth, could play keyboard if needed, but isn't particularly skilled at it Instrument: [hider=DSI Prophet 12][img=][/hider] used either on its own or as a midi controller for a software synth running on his laptop Personality: James is a withdrawn man, and doesn't speak when he doesn't need to. He is stubborn, and doesn't like to compromise. He seems calm but serious, though he is more jovial when he is around people he knows well. He really enjoys learning and teaching, and likes to help those in need, even though he rarely shows it externally. Favorite Bands: Miles Davis, Flying Lotus, Squarepusher, Carl Craig, Kraftwerk Hobbies/Skills: In addition to making music, James enjoys coding, working with electronics, and reading about history. Job: Computer Programmer Bio: James was an only child, born into a poor family, and never had much musical training. Though his parents loved him and cared about him, they both worked long hours to make ends meet. James became quiet and reserved due to the lack of social interaction. He always liked listening to music, and was fascinated by computers from a young age. Once he had saved up enough money to buy an old computer of his own, he began to compose music using whatever free software he could find. He also used his computer to practice programming, a skill which would eventually become his career. Jame's love of music led him to join his school jazz band, but he had to quit because his family could not afford the expenses. In high school, James worked hard, doing especially well in history and math. He made friends with a few of the other musically inclined students in his grade, and produced beats for his friends to rap over. The results were never very good, but it was fun to make music with other people. The group broke up when James began to make more complex, experimental compositions, which didn't fit with the club friendly style that the rest of the group liked. Soon after that, James graduated, and went to college. Choosing his major was a hard decision. He really loved music, but he knew that it wouldn't pay the bills after he finished college and his scholarship ended. James chose computer science for practical reasons, and did well even though he didn't get along with many of his peers. He found work as a freelance computer programmer after graduation, which has allowed him to escape the poverty that he was born into. James likes this more comfortable lifestyle, but still enjoys the experience of making music with a group. Appearance: [img=] When on stage he wears formal clothes and a visor that hides his face. He say that this is because musicians should be properly dressed, and he wants people to focus on his music, not on him. L3TS ROCK, there are two threes (L33TS ROCK?) Also, if we're allowed to play two characters, I'd be up for making the manager if no one else wants it.