"Right you lazy halfwit get up!" Garanth jolted from his slumber, his dizziness matching his confusion. He looked up to see Gron standing in the doorway, grinning at him. "Gron wha-" But before he could finish the Dwarf strode over and gave him a gruff hug. "Well you look almost as bored as I feel, so I thought we could go for a wander" Garanth looked around wearily, half expecting the damned healer to bustle back in and give him another dose of piss flavored medicine. Gron thumped him hard. "Not getting scared of old men in white robes now are we?" "Never" With a grunt Garanth pulled back the covers and slid out of bed. He was still in a lot of pain, physically and in his heart, but it was not too much to stand. Gron looked him up and down a few times before speaking. "Well apart from the smell you seem to be almost back to normal" Garanth laughed at that. "Well if I don't get herded back here I could always have a bath...have you had one?" Gron grinned and stroked his beard. "Earlier today I did, twas a wonderful and refreshing thing" With occassional support from Gron, Garanth wandered around the grounds for nearly an hour. Enjoying the fresh air and bird song, Gron seemed relaxed too. But beneath the calm aura's lay confusion, bewilderment, and fear. After a while they headed back to the castle, both now aching from their wounds and pulled muscles. Once they were back inside Garanth turned to his old friend and grasped his shoulder. "Tell me Gron, do you know where Ves is?" Gron shook his head. "Sorry but the last time I saw her was a few hours ago when she was checking in on us lot" "She was checking on you?" So that meant she had indeed been avoiding his room, he wasn't very surprised, but nonetheless it hurt to think they still had these quarrels, when beneath it all he knew they had something. Gron blushed as he realized his mistake. "Err...yes...she was...err" "Never fear Gron" And with that he strode off in search of Ves.