“Heh heh heh,” Malika snickered proudly, “Ollie, such amateur! Have you never had all-night marathon?” The tall Norwegian placed the cleaned cups back by the coffee pot, “Coffee and biscuits, is only meal for all-nighter!” She nodded sagely, “Aaah, remember first all-nighter so well! Did not know how make coffee, but Mama and Papa were asleep so couldn’t tell me… First cup brewed tasted worse than stuff here!” She pumped her first dramatically, looking up at the ceiling with stars in her eyes, “But episodes I saw…” She whipped around, firmly placing a hand on Oliver’s shoulder, “Ollie, they were best have ever seen! That was night I finally finished Death Symphony arc of Tatakae Mahou Shoujo Minatsukomoto! Was amazing, such climatic battle between Mina and dastardly Conductor! Was so many times I thought was over, but Mina pulled through in end, haaa! But that twist, would never see coming from million miles away Ollie!” She grabbed Oliver by the shoulders, “You just have watch it with me someday, I have whole box set! Will make us good coffee, will be most coolest thing!” [i]"Who wants to fight with me?.. I've got another moooooopppp!"[/i] Malika’s head shot around, her eyes fixing on the dangling mop in Kirina’s hand. To some (namely sensible people), it was merely a cleaning utensil. A stick with cloth on the end for wiping floors. But in Malika’s eyes, her Russian associate held a great weapon. She held the Zhulong – The bo staff of the mighty Great Green; only the coolest member of the Seven Wonders superhero team! Unhanding Oliver, she threw a dramatic pointed finger at Kirina, putting on a grave expression, “Karana!” She shouted, getting her Russian co-worker’s name wrong once again, “You have made foolish mistake challenging I, [b]Great Green, the vanquisher of evil[/b]! You shall know error of your ways when you witness my sheer skill with great bo staff Zhulong!” Folding her arms, she laughed triumphantly, “Do you still dare challenge me? Or shall you run to live another day?”