Hey, Thanks for checking this out. Hopefully I can explain this well enough. The basic premise for the RP I want to do is based on [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBjEDdBEGZc]This commercial.[/url] We'll play two characters who effectively reincarnate, meaning the RP will be set in multiple settings, from Ancient Rome to the Old West to the far future, mostly whatever we want to RP in. Each period of time will have it's own storey of how the two characters are drawn to each other and I imagine it won't always end happily. The rest of the details are very flexible. The various settings and plots, if we do them chronologically, simultaneously or in a random order etc. REQUESTS -Have time to RP, if I'm regularly waiting longer than a few days that's a bit too slow for my liking. -Please be over 18. -I have no limits, but if you do, that's okay. Just let me know. -High Casual-ish, but quality over quantity every time. I get it's not always possible to post multiple paragraphs. -I'd prefer to roleplay with the opposite gender (I'm a guy), but I could be convinced otherwise. Drop me a PM or reply here if you're interested.