"And so..." said Kyle, writing another equation on the board. "The answer is?" When the answer was not forthcoming, he pointed to a random person in the classroom. "Can you solve..." His phone beeped and he checked it. He had programmed it to only go off during classroom hours if certain people called, the DIS included. [i]Emergency, huh?[/i] "I thought you had a "no cellphones" policy." said one of the students. He was a joker, but he was making strait A's so Kyle didn't mind the joking. Besides, he didn't want to be known as one of the stuffy teachers. "I do, but this was an emergency. Something in the lab just broke, and I need to go fix it before it goes down completely. Class is dismissed. Make sure you have your papers completed by next week." As the students grabbed their things and left, he shut down the equipment and locked his computer, not bothering to check his scans of the students. [i]It's always good to be safe,[/i] he thought, [i]but I can check them out later.[/i] When everyone had left, he walked out the door and locked it. He walked down the hall to the science lab and entered it, then locked the door and closed all of the curtains so that no one could see him. When that was done, he entered a storage room on the back side and slid away a panel on the wall, revealing a stairway down. He took it down until he reached the upper levels of the headquarters, and made his way to the residential section. He continued down until he was in the control room. "Wish you'd just let me Project down here when you call." he said to Thomas. "I'll need a teleporter just to get back up all of those steps without wearing myself out."