Bear in mind folks, that the Garou have the Veil protecting them if they are in Crinos form (or whatever the war form is for any other shifter breed.) It drives people into a delirious state and only a few, with very high willpower scores, can resist it. This doesn't apply to ghouls -- they're immune to it. [url=]Delirium[/url] Here's also the W:TA Rules to describe it a little better and more thoroughly, from the books: [quote=Werewolf: The Apocalypse]Werewolves preyed on humans for over 3000 years, and while most humans have no idea that werewolves truly exist, a part of them remembers. The horrible wolf-man, the Crinos form, incites a kind of madness in humans that Garou call the Delirium. The stronger a human's will, the more clearly she can deal with seeing a werewolf. Most humans, however, either panic and run, or they just collapse. Even stronger-willed people tend to forget the encounter later, either by rationalizing what they saw ("A bear! I'm not kidding!") or by omitting the entire incident from their minds. The Garou refer to this subconscious denial as the Veil, and they look at it as one of their greatest assets. The following chart shows what a human will do when he sees a Crinos as per his Willpower score. The chart also shows whether and to what degree the human will forget the encounter, as well as what percentage of the populace will react in that way. Students of the occult might gain some bonus on this chart. Storytellers may choose to allow such humans a Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 9), with each success moving the human up one level on the chart. In addition, members of cultures that didn't suffer the Impergium to a great degree (such as Native Americans and Australian Aborigines) might also be granted a bonus. Photographs or such evidence don't trigger any fear reaction, although human witnesses will probably rationalize the photos away as publicity stunts or some such unless they have a Willpower of 8 or higher. Kinfolk are immune to the Delirium.[/quote] The reactions to the Delirium run from catatonic fear to the fight or fight reflex kicking in, and in most cases, even if the person does remember the incident (at a higher willpower rating) they will possibly rationalize it away. The following is the chart from the rulebook -- I know we aren't using stats, but it's a useful sort of guide. [b]Delirium Responses, in ascending order of willpower rating:[/b][indent]1 - Catatonic Fear: The human collapses and whimpers, or perhaps even faints. They will have no recollection of the event afterward. 10% of the population. 2 - Panic: The human runs in fear, trying to put as much distance between himself and the Garou as possible. They will have no recollection of the event afterward. 20% of the population. 3 - Disbelief: The human refuses to accept what he sees, and he will likely retreat to a corner and stare at the "hallucination" until it passes. They will have no recollection of the event afterward. 18% of the population. 4 - Berserk: The human takes some sort of aggressive action, be it firing a gun (he won't have enough presence of mind to reload, however), throwing crockery or even leaping at the "monster." They will have no recollection of the event afterward. 18% of the population. 5 - Terror: Much like panic, except with more reason. The human will be rational enough to lock doors behind him or to get in a car and flee. They will have no recollection of the event afterward. 13% of the population. 6 - Conciliatory: The human will try to plead and bargain with the Garou, doing anything possible so as not to get hurt. They will have no recollection of the event afterward. 10% of the population. 7 - Controlled Fear: Perhaps this person is a soldier. Although terrified, he does not panic. The human will flee or fight as appropriate, but remains in control of his actions. Will not forget, but will rationalize away what they saw. 7% of the population. 8 - Curiosity: These people are dangerous, because they remember what they saw (more-or-less), and they might well investigate the matter further. Conspiracy theorists and cryptozoologists often fall into this category. Will not forget, but will rationalize away what they saw. 5% of the population. 9 - Bloodlust: In the far reaches of this human's mind, he remembers the depredations of the Garou, and he refuses to take anymore. The human is afraid but angry, and he will remember the Garou and probably even try to hunt it down. They will remember the encounter clearly. 1.5% of the population. 10 - No reaction: The human is not the slightest bit afraid or bothered by the Garou. Even Kinfolk aren't this stoic, so Garou tend to be very suspicious of such folks. They will remember the encounter clearly. .5% of the populace.[/indent]