Bear in mind also the degree that kinfolk and were-creatures (Garou are the most apparent of the bunch -- the others are even more secretive) tend to conceal themselves, not to mention that caerns, the hubs of their community, tend to be out of the way and well-guarded. They tend to kill on sight any intruders. If the kinfolk are bothered by hunters, they're bound to report that to their relatives...or if silenced by said hunters, it will result in bloody revenge. They can slip in and out of physical reality and into the plane of spirits (though it's harder if your character camps out in the most banal of places, like a gated suburban community or certain parts of big cities) and can be pretty hard to track. That's the warm and fuzzy kind (Not that you'd think an entire Sept of Get of Fenris were, and the others aren't that much less militant about protecting caerns and kinfolk). Black Spiral Dancers tend to have all that going on plus the resources of the various Wyrm-Corporations out there. I'm not saying hunting werewolves is impossible, I'm just laying out the difficulties here. They are, of course, very vulnerable to silver (and the werecreatures that aren't don't feature in this RP; Mokole and Corax are vulnerable to gold) and are not necessarily adept at hiding in society easily (though some are better than others) but they do generally manage to stay very under the radar and very hard to find. One doesn't just drop in on the Garou and chat. And a lot of them aren't inclined to chat with the apes either. Hunting Vampires, of course, is a different story in the sense that they do not have a natural secrecy mechanism...just a lot of ways to subtly fuck with a hunter's life without ever revealing themselves through proxies, paid henchmen and the webs of influence that vampires tend to weave.