Hope time #3 is the charm! Name of Nation: United Afghanistan* Territories: Control of Kabul and surrounding provinces with expansion in the southern regions of Afghanistan. Rest of territory is warlord dominated despite constant intervention by the United Afghani Government. Government Type: Dictatorship ran by the Grand Vizier of the Afghan people, Dorri Shayan Military: The United Afghani government uses whatever weapons the mining industry can fund from whoever is willing to sell. As a result the military is very non-standardized and is not known for being that terribly organized beyond whatever the Grand Vizier Dorri Shayan demands of his armies from the Ministry of Harmony in Kabul. Overall the military is anarchic and not that well trained, although they are better trained than those the US left behind a few decades ago. Economy: They got mines, and pretty much have made the mining of rare earth materials their specialty, willing to see to anyone who gives good money. Than they use that money to finance the military and a bit of that money to giving the people some bread and circus. Foreign Policy: They see the outside world as a source for weapons in exchange for lithium and other mineral sin the mines. Some foreign corporations operate in United Afghanistan, but many companies refuse to work with the UA due to their lack of legitimacy and instability, as well as rampant corruption. Dorri’s government once considered united with Tajikistan, but put such idea on the back burner due to the ideological pursuit of a united afghanistan instead. History: The history is simple. There was a long civil war that resulted in near dominance of afghanistan by the Taliban that quickly fell into three factions on the eve of WW3 as a result of mass economic disruption. Ethnic nationalism from the Pashtuns made them want to unite Afghanistan under their ethnic and the Taliban who once were the dominant power of Afghanistan wanted to return to power, and unite Afghanistan under strict adherence to god. But from the eastern parts of afghanistan where the Northern Coalition once was came a idealist known as Dorri Shayan who wanted to united afghanistan into a cosmopolitan republic. However, he saw military force as the only way and using experience from the ten year’s war he managed to take Kabul by the 2030’s. From that base his government which has been more of a military dictatorship than a republic started a mission of grand unification. Of which has proven to be difficult due to the other two factions in the way of the great vizier’s dream. Among this dream, the grand vizier commissioned the construction of a underground city not far from Kabul named after himself that rooted itself in the caves under the premise of being a self-sustaining under ground mining colony. The experiment however hit many road blocks as the city of Shaya quickly became a target of terrorist attacks and was poorly built in the first place. There is not much more to say of their history other than that the conflicts of the thirties have been ongoing for the past five years, but with the end of world war 3 foreign powers have begun to take interest in the region once again due to the rare earth resources the Afghani region possesses. Foes: The Taliban and Pashtostan. The United Afghans generally play nice with outsiders, if only to get weapons and money. Demographics:No too different, although a few ethnic groups have suffered ethnic cleansing on the part of each faction. The UA itself contains 12 million people, not even half of the whole. Other: Afghanistan at this point is not a nation, but a region with multiple unrecognized tinpot states and ongoing intertribal warfare. Due tot he resources afghanistan holds however, there is known to be some level of foreign involvement in the regions especially as WW3 came to a close. However limited it is due to the chaotic state of the region. There is three major factions; United Afghanistan [shown in green] - a dictatorship that is heavily theocratic that is ran by a very idealistic pan-tribalist who believes in a united afghanistan through god’s will. Their policies are relatively pragmatic, but follow PRC-esque repression wherever applicable and while shariah law is observed, is not as influential in their actions as various sub-factions demand it to be. The grand vizier also is a bit of a loon, but is kept around due to his cult of personality. Pashtunistan [shown in purple] - a monarchal, caste-based supremacist dictatorship that claims rule over many regions of Afghanistan. The official ideology of Pashtunistan views Pashtuns as the correct race to rule afghanistan and blame the failures of their region on not letting the pashtuns run things. They effectively have anyone not declared a Pashtun work in the grass fields under watch by some crude drones they scavenged from what was left of the pakistani armories after the nukes hit [which suffice to say, wasn’t much]. They’re not that theocratic, but have utter faith in their absolute monarchy and observe shariah law. [theirs your damn feudalism aaron]. Of the three factions they’re the weakest, and they for the most part have been fighting a defensive war against the other two factions. The Pashtunistani king initially worked with the Taliban organization, but Pashtunistan's relatively more secular imperial consitutuion and partial pakistani heritage caused a major split between the Taliban and Pashtunistan that resonates to this day. The Organization for the Islamic State of Pashtunistan declared themselves a state in 2035, of which the leader of the Taliban saw as a betrayal for not having strict shari'ah law. Taliban/True Islamic Republic of Afghanistan [shown in black] - Like in the 2100's, the Taliban still is extremely theocratic, believe in state islam and hatred for the west and the rest of the world. They’re a resurgent Taliban that has gotten to the point of regular use of genocide in order to ensure religious conformity among their provinces. The Taliban has also gotten extremely xenophobic, seeing the rest of the world as lost to god and the leader of their organization sees the other two major factions as secretly controlled by infidels. Historically they were among the two sides in the ten year’s war that followed a year after the US left Afghanistan and for a moment were winning until WW3 destroyed their rise to power again. Their military currently rivals United Afghanistan’s. The Taliban despises United Afghanistan due to the UA being seen as the puppet of western imperial pigs and god hating communists. While they have once had a alliance with Pashtunistan, in 2035 a big split due to ideology happened thanks to the relative secularity of Pashtunistan's constitution. [img=http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/oZode/ScreenShot2014-07-05at21642PM_zps52c5e7a1.png] There is known to be underground criminal organizations that have taken refuge in parts of Afghanistan that do regular weapons trade with whoever is willing to buy. *Is not United and doesn’t control much of afghanistan, just the more urbanized eastern regions.