Charles was looking at her "Well its nice meeting you, " he said. He was thinking for a bit. He smiled more "I hadnt expected anybody else to show up this week really. " he was wondering more about her. He knew that he couldn't be sure if she was a mutant. "Mutation yes," he started to explain "Suppose you heard I wrote a thesis on it." He was happy to be speaking to her about it. He smiled more. He was in a good mood. "Ah no librarian. This is just where I keep my books, I wasnt reading anything too important so I'll gladly speak with you." He was thinking "Its ok to speak here,". He wondered what she wanted to know. He doubted if it was only hypotheticecal. He knew that people didn't really come to him for that. He just nodded. He was sure that this conversation was going to be interesting. The mutant gestured for her to sit down first "Ladies first." he said politely. He wanted to give some pickup line about mutation. But he wasnt sure what mutation she had if she really had one. He was sure there was alot she wanted know. He dragged himself onto a chair and kept the wheelchair close by. He relaxed a bit. Long as nobody pushed his chair away he was sure he could get back to it. "Well go ahead, ask what you like.?" He said. The mutant was smiling a bit. He didn't want to scare her off and wanted her to be comfortable talking to him. He knew if he said the wrong thing it could scare her off.