Franco-Belgian boarder [hider=1st army]1st siege Army Current General: Shi’so "The Iron Maiden" Kain Morale: 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<20>// - /<150>//[/indent] Current Action:ready for incoming attacks [/hider] [hider=the Iron Warrios]2nd siege “Iron Warriors” Army Current General: Kais’is olis Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<20>// - /<200>// Current Action: arrived at border, preparing for offensive action [/hider] [hider=1st Conscripts] 1st "citizen soldiers" conscript militia army Current General: Shas'la olag Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<2000>// - /<20>// - /<2000>// Current Action: fully mobilized preparing for offensive [/hider] Ayyubid-Humlon Border [hider=boarder guards]1st boarder guards (militia) Current General: none Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<500>// - /<500>// Current Action:garrison duty [/hider] Franco-Belgian boarder Grand general Ulik'la susa orders have arrived "the first army is charged with Defensive actions" Lady general Kain was stunned this was her time to earn her army's name. The second had earned its name The iron warriors they are called, and the third army as the Emperors own, Her own army was created by newly created units so there was no name for them,they were just the 1st siege army. The fact even the Conscript armies have earned their names made up of men and women who are led by seasoned offcers and a core of veterans of the former human provinces.