[img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfcmWmA69y0yh11RzsLNulBYL3HdeUqdobE4ShWQEG3Kku50Po[/img] Real Name Ayumi Summers Alias rash brawler Gender female Age 17 Weapon(s) gauntlets, greaves Arcana Chariot Persona Ayumi's persona is Eligor, it resists physical, dark attacks and is weak against wind, she can use assault Agi, Maragi, and arm chopper Mask wears a mask in the form of a cat Attire When not in her school uniform she can usually be seen in a short full body suit with a blue top underneath along with gloves that run up to her elbows and knee high boots Occupation student Personality Ayumi can be a bit hard to get along with when you first meet her, until she warms up to you she can be very hostile. She's a little brash, a bit arrogant, and can be very stubborn, she also has a temper and often flails it around especially when someones says something to her she doesn't like, but when around those she calls friends she has a very nurturing and protective personality. This part of her personality is mostly due to her little brother Weaknesses/Fears Betrayal. she has a fears of being betrayed by the ones she cares about not being able to protect her loved ones feeling useless Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks She practices martial arts, secretly afraid of bugs, and loves animals Themesong Frozen-Lynch Other Hates when people talk about her brother resents her sibling for being the family favorite, although she would never admit it