Hiraku glanced at the girl and the Robot that clearly was a robot. "Oh no. I am not giving either of you money. You'll probably use it to host a Card Tournament and kill people playing it, or you'd fund some highly unethical operation with it. Or worse of all you'll buy candy and not brush your teeth'" He furrowed his brow, as he stared at the girl. "Why are you not in school right now, or Cram School? [b]Do you want to bring your family great shame!? You need to study, not ask for money. Do you want to end up as criminal deadbeats!?[/b]" Hiraku began rubbing his temple with his free hand. [i]The feeling that my daughter has brought the Witches from the Eternal Kingdom of Darkness is growing stronger now. As long as my son also doesn't attract that Evil Sentai team... Oh he's going to! Damn son...[/i] He walked over to a nearby bench, as he quickly opened his briefcase and pulled out two rice cakes. With an even quicker precision he shut his briefcase and span the locks shut with an incredible speed. He glanced over the rice cake.