Tori didn't think she'd be seeing Master Yoru again so soon, nor did she think she would ever think of him as [i]not[/i] the meanest person in this place (or dream, or whatever it really was). It was obvious now, though, that Lady Katashi was the most unpleasant person in the Bathhouse. Her orders aimed towards Yoru alone sounded suspicious. Even the piglet in Yoru's hands was nervous, and it had the right to be, the children soon discovered when its squeals and screeches ripped across the large room, accompanied by the roar of something...something possibly more unpleasant than Katashi. Tori choked on her breath, quickly averting her gaze from Yoru's (seemingly) nonchalant expression and whatever was past that tiny door. Out of this room...she couldn't wait until she was out of this room. Finally, the last girl signed her contract; thank goodness. Lady Katashi didn't seem like an amicable enough person-thing to spare everyone else at the blunder of even one of them; Tori wasn't sure what Katashi would've done if the other girl hadn't signed it. She sent a grimace towards the other girl, sending a mental message of [i]Geez, that was close![/i] her way, and politely turned back to listen to whatever other cruel nonsense Katashi was going to spout, although Tori's fingers still wiggled restlessly behind her back, and she fixed her eyes at the wall right behind the witch to avoid throwing up at her disgusting expressions. Oh, no offense, of course. She couldn't keep her eyes away, though, when her name magically peeled itself off her contract as if in a cartoon, and flew into the hand of the old hag in front of them. Tori watched in awe as the letters rearranged themselves. Before she could really read what the words now spelled, the letters flew towards her face, and she yelped, throwing her arms up the shield her face, but the word already flashed in her mind: Tomo. Tomo? What was that? Slightly disoriented, Tomo(? That was always her name, right? Wasn't it?) took a while to process Yoru's sudden loss of composure, and suddenly, everything seemed a lot stranger and alien than before, while also so much more real. It was a bit too weird for poor Tomo, who nearly fell completely over as she was thrown out the room screaming by the same magic that had dragged her in. What? What did Katashi say? She was lying? But what was that supposed to...? As Tomo stood in the rapidly dropping lift, she really didn't know what to think anymore. Katashi's little bit about not leaving the Bathhouse kind of concerned her, but she wasn't sure what she could do about it, and considering what the witch seemed to think about humans, maybe she would change her mind and eventually release them when she was tired of watching them. Tomo breathed sharply, telling herself she'd make the best of her job or whatever it was before thinking about stuff like that. Surprisingly, Yoru was acting rather kind (as kind as he could get, at least), and especially after Katashi's show of cruelty, he suddenly seemed like the friendliest person-thing ever. Tomo mentally took note of his advice, getting a bit used to staying quiet. She could've asked questions, but Yoru probably wouldn't have answered them. Besides, the doors now opened again, this time to a pleasant change of pace--a performance of some sort. Whatever the original context had been, seeing such a ridiculous display that seemed to entertain even the other spirits was such an amusing sight that Tomo couldn't help but break into laughter even after Lady Katashi's dark display of power. At least it was now obvious that everyone agreed that Katashi was no good. For a moment, Tomo has assumed that all spirits were like Katashi or Yoru, and it was refreshing to come across a woman like the one prancing before them now. The moment of joy, however, was short-lived, and the air grew heavy yet again at the mention of humans. Tomo's heart sank. What was it with these spirits and humans? What did humans ever do to them? Well, whatever the reason, Tomo would make sure that she and the other kids would change that! She looked around at the other children accompanying her indignantly, seriously hoping they shared the same conviction. "Don't worry! We won't let you down!" Tomo announced publicly. Although that probably wasn't the reason of their disgust, it would hurt to show them how enthusiastic she was going to be, would it? Optimism was the key word here! A shout from Yoru sent the workers back where they came from, and a few formalities (if you could call them that) later, Tomo found herself staring at the funny big lady from earlier. She would commend her for her comedy, but it didn't seem like she was particularly happy with humans either, so Tomo resorted to puffing her chest out and declaring, "My name is...Tomo!" Was that always her name, though? This nagging feeling kept bothering her, but she decided to ignore it, as it wasn't exactly helping the situation.