Kiel smiles warmly as Zach jokes about 'having plans' or the lack of having them in this case. He wanders towards his room, glad he was able to convince the youth out of the house for the afternoon. [i]'It is not good for a young man like him to spend so much time alone, his only company someone older than him. I may not be much older physically, but I am most definitely more mature due to my profession'['/i] “I can't think of anything you will really need other than your drawing supplies.” he calls over his shoulder just before vanishing into his room. Closing the door he digs into his wardrobe, setting a few stacks of clothes aside only to reveal what looks to be the wooden bottom of the structure. Making sure Zach isn't peeking in or anything he pulls on a little loos string laying along the bottom and with a little scraping noise the wood bottom pops out from it's place revealing a little compartment beneath. Setting the wood side the priest removes his strong ox and begins dialing in the combination. Kiel trusts his kids, but after all is said and done, he knows that he can only trust them so far. While he would have no trouble helping them financially, like helping them get some classes or training for a job, only a complete fool would leave their money where a street kid could easily get a hold of it. He always keeps a few bills in his wallet, and every so often they go missing, but his little trove he always keeps hidden away unless he needs it. [i]'I only need enough to pay for the ticket and a meal, but I'm going to take a few extra bucks for those souvenirs. . .'[/i] Popping the lid he pulls out what he needs before putting the whole thing back, checking once more to make sure no one is looking before covering it all with his pants and closing his wardrobe. Slipping back out into the main room he smiles once more at the young man before making his way over to the front door and opening it wide. “After you, Zach.” he says cheerfully, motioning the teen forward. Once he is through Kiel closes his door. He never locks it, just in case one of his street kids need to get in for a nap or a meal while he's away. [i]'I am glad, in part, than none have needed to stop by while I was away and had to leave Zach alone. I am not sure he's ready to be confronted by one of my little ones wondering what he's doing in my house. . .Most of my kids get along, but they also know what each other look like'[/i] He sighs softly making his way towards the archway leading to the sidewalk that will take them to the bus stop.