Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That is so cute! You must have been dying of adorableness by the end of the week, or just really annoyed with all the little brats xD Did it ever get super frustrating? I feel like, regardless of any brat-ness, I would have a blast in a situation like that. I mean, I [i]love[/i] kids :p But only when I can give them back! At least for now. I eventually want like three or four kids but that won't be until I'm in my thirties probably. Do you want kids? Yee! It's pretty great, not that I use it all that often :p Haha, I feel like that would be pretty funny, I might have to go watch some of those videos. Haha, and yeah I've seen a ton of drama backstage, it's actually really a touchy subject for me because earlier this year there was a shit ton of drama within my group and it took a really huge toll on mine (and other girls) mental health. Haha, Carrie as in the Stephen King Novel/Movie (the novel is better). Oh yes, the extravagant dance moms *rolls eyes* I'm so glad my parents aren't like that. And yes! I have seen that show, I hate it! I think it's just pressuring young girls at too young an age to look like some fake barbie doll. It can't be good for their development. Thank youuuuuuu! I'm really excited for them to meet up again. Hahahaha "Some splanin to do". That made me giggle XP Also, that wasn't embarrassing at all! It was sweet :) Good, because I [i]love[/i] this roleplay!! <3 (I'm working on my post rn... My goal is to have it done for tomorrow) Haha, it was a really great night! I spent it watching a concert in Josh's arms xD It was perfect, like we held hands and kissed and all that shit in front of his friends like all night. (Which must have been super confusing for them because we are not sure at all what the hell we are). And my best friend introduced us to people as "This is Emily and her 'not-boyfriend' Josh." Twas funny. But how was your Fourth of July!? That made me laugh harder then it should have! :p Ya learn something new everyday I guess! Hahaha