Finished both. [hider=James][center] [img=][img=] Name: Jacqueline "James" Delaney Age: 26 Appearance: Thin, short, and dainty, James looks more like a teenager then a twenty-six year old woman. She stands at about 5'4, weighing only 123 lbs. Her hands and feet are small and dainty, though very calloused from always writing and training. Her looks are pretty average, with large, brown eyes and long, copper hair that is normally tied back during work. Her skin is pale and she burns easily. James is, as her body discloses, pretty weak and prone to bruising or sickness. Normally wears comfortable yet official looking outfits, but detests skirts and dresses. Occupation: Investigator Personality: James is what someone would call cynical. Despite appearing to be rather trustworthy herself, she has a bad time trusting other people, and it takes awhile for her to feel comfortable speaking to a certain person. This cynicism is helpful in her line of work, though, and it has helped her go far in life. Other then that, James is surprisingly stubborn and is known to never back down from a challenge or case, even if the odds are against her. She is quick-thinking and incredibly clever, relying more on brain skills then physicals strength, and has a tendency to think before acting. While she does have social skills, James isn't exactly a peoples person, and she tends to stay out of large group gatherings or crowds unless the job calls for it. James is somewhat hot-headed, and is easily annoyed or bothered by idiotic or haughty people. She does, however, have a strong urge to care or look out for people whom she has learned to trust or like, despite their annoying attitudes. Her motherly side shows greatly when with her little sister, Jill, or when she is hanging about the office, caring for her co-workers like family. Straightforward, James has trouble not pointing out the obvious, and this has obviously gotten her into a bit of trouble, but it has been able to help her out on the field. And in the end, James is definitely hard-working and motherly, but has trouble around people not involved with her work place. Bio: James was inspired by the police force the moment she read her father's french novel [i]Bruno, Chief of Police: A Novel of the French Countryside[/i] at the age of ten. The daring choices, the mystery, the adventure, it was like candy to the girl, and she devoured every last piece with gusto. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Delaney were very protective parents. They tried their best to keep James occupied with safer things, like dolls and art and math, but once she got into the habit of solving "mysteries" they just couldn't help but play along. They, thinking it was just a passing phase in the end, allowed her to read all the (safe) noir novels and crime fictions they owned, but once their little girl reached her freshman year in high school did they realize her passion for mystery was stronger than normal. They became a bit stricter, saying it was a dangerous career option, but James was stubborn. She wanted to go to the Academy at eighteen, she wanted to live breath and experience mystery and adventure at the age of twenty-two. She wanted to rock the word of crime. And so, James followed her dream with as much spirit as one person could have. She convinced her parents to allow her to leave the state after four years of high honors in high school, where she would then attend Reinhardt University at eighteen, which is where she studied and trained hard at their Police Academy for four years. Her past high school experience had already given her some knowledge on forensics and criminal justice, and with James' quick mind she was able to pull ahead of her class for some time until graduation. James then moved to a big city and spent the next four years honing her skills, trying her best to impress her higher ups, even when doing meager patrol work. She eventually managed to gain some respect as a "detective", and has since been assigned to two homicide cases (though she was accompanied by more experienced co-workers). Recently, something terrible happened to James' parents, and because of this accident her little sister, Jillian, has been sent to live with her for the time being. Other: Despite being put on the case, James is also looking into the disappearance of her parents, and both mysteries are really wearing out her brain.[/center][/hider] [hider=Jill][center] [img=] Name: Jillian "Jill" Delaney Age: 17 Appearance: If James is the smart sister, than Jill is the athletic one. She is tall for her age, standing at about 5'7 and weighing nearly 130 lbs, and is nearly all muscle. Her face is rather attractive, with nice cream-colored skin and large brown eyes, while is hair is kind of a curly, coppery mess when not tied back. She has long legs, wiry fingers, a thin stomach, and a fantastic smile. Her body is well trained and she is used to rough exercise and challenging games, and her outfits all center around mobility and how affordable they are. Occupation: Junior Personality: Jill is fast... And that's about it. She is like a storm, a powerful gale that blows through the room without rest. She is always busy with something, be it taking care of her sister, homework, or keeping up with the ten sports clubs and teams she's joined, yet despite all that she still manages to be helpful or sweet when the time calls for it. An obvious peoples person, Jill surrounds herself with people in an attempt to gain more friends, and it mostly works. She likes to think of herself as "charming", but is more times then not just really cheerful and loud. Surprisingly stupid, Jill has trouble thinking before acting, and is not the brightest student. James constantly scolds her about doing bad on tests, but honestly they are both convinced that she'll do fine in life if she relies on sports. Because of her great skills in most sports, Jill has gain a bit of a self-centered attitude, which she tries to mask behind big smiles. Despite being loud and obnoxious, Jill really does mean well, and she tries her best to be as kind as possible to anyone. Bio: Jillian loved sports. Soccer, softball, tennis, even from a young age she was already participating in so many teams. Her parents were thrilled to hear that one of their daughters was so interested in a well-paying future. They nourished her thirst for sports, paid for all the equipment and teams without hesitation, and they cheered her on like wild people whenever they could. Jill felt her ego grow and grow, her life becoming ever so perfect (despite missing her smarty-pants sister after she ran away to Georgia) until her sophomore year of high school. In a rather dull classroom, a cellphone range. Jill glanced down at the text and felt her heart stop. It had been a car accident, both were no where to be found. She was excused, brought to an counselor in the main office where she sobbed her eyes out. Then she waited, almost an entire month, until she had to go live with her sister in the big city. She was worn out but sick of crying, and upon arriving at her sister's doorstep she gave her biggest grin and cried out, [i]"Roomies!"[/i] The two have been living together in James' small apartment for at least three weeks now, and Jill is still somewhat nervous about school and the city and about her parents, but it didn't take long for her to rejoin as many sports teams as she could. Life was going pretty smoothly for Jill now, despite her sister's sleepless nights... Other: Jill is new to the school, as she recently just arrived in the city.[/center][/hider]