Prince, I understand that, however, the rule you were not grandfathered beyond is the one in which the roleplay was by invite-only. I'm sorry, but you even acknowledged that it was an invite-only thread before making the character. You also stated that you were just making him to get him out of your system, and now it seems that you expected to be accepted after we saw him. I apologize for the inconvenience, but seeing as you were creating the character because you had the urge to and not because you thought we would be allowing a tenth space to open, I don't see why there is such an issue. You're free to participate and talk with us, but we were unlikely to let an uninvited guest join, and the fact that we even gave thought to it is rather surprising to me. In our experience, as I'm sure you understand, roleplays with strangers have a tendency to fail within weeks of conception. Not to mention the decline in the Advanced section since the reboot of the site (not everybody, but I've noticed that a lot of the Advanced criteria have been toned down to be almost mid-Casual). There's nothing wrong with it, but it does make me far more comfortable to invite people I know and trust greatly, people I've known for a very long time who will not abandon the RP after it's begun without a very good reason. I know where you're coming from with the existence of soemthing that comes from beyond the rules - I love that every roleplay has an anomaly or even a few that extend beyond the reach of the rules. It extends the reach of the roleplay's creativity and story-molding ideas. However, the idea behind the roleplay is that our characters already have that - all of them are special, even from one another, in a very specific way. We'll all have different drives, abilities, and grow in different ways despite sharing some very significant experiences. I'm sorry that we didn't mention the rule sooner, but to be honest, it wasn't something that occured to us at the time, we wanted to get the interest check out for our friends and let them have a hand in some of the ideas of the world. That's why it's in the Interest Check phase. If this were an Open RP and we put it out in the OOC and had rules and everything was finalized [I]before[/I] character creation, I would completely be on board. However, we're still fleshing out the plans and rules and everything, so it isn't fair to put it on us like that. Think of it this way: say you were playing an MMO in a beta test and you had a character that maxed out the beta's restrictions on levels and gear and everything... Well, the beta ends, and they wipe all the characters from the server. That's completely fair, because the beta is a [I]test[/I], not the finalized product of the game, so why would it be okay for the testers to be allowed to keep those characters when they joined the Beta simply to try out the game. The point isn't to give a lucky few players the ability to start early and be ahead of the game in levels and equipment. That's where we are now: a beta test, we're simply trying to find the kinks and mistakes in the initial posting of it.