Darkstar simply listened upon what seemed to be everyone's arrival or for at least the only one's for now. She crossed her arms and listened carefully to everyone's input and strategies, For now she was contempt to just keep it quiet and listen. It appeared they are what's left of the Justice League now, Darkstar had no idea that things were this bad let alone finding out that original heroes of the league simply got beaten into the ground and that it came to these new members to draw the line in the sand and fight back, what was stopping them from getting infected? and how quickly could it spread within the body? was some of the questions running around in the hybrids head. Everyone was thinking of possible scenarios, fights and counter objectives from the enemy, truth be told however there was no simple way of finding where this ring was and how to get it, Sure the Justice League would of course know the layout of the watchtower, But what they did not know was how many enemies are in there and who might also be there guarding the ring, It didn't have to be just superman, it could be Batman or hell it could even be her own mother Starfire for all they know! That particular thought frightened Darkstar though, She didn't want to fight her mother but she would do anything to get her back. when everyone rant and debating paused for a moment it was Darstar's moment to raise an issue and her thoughts. She glided over and closer to the table before softly landing her feet on the ground. [b]" First of I suggest you add another two blocks of the city have been take over, or at least the start of it there"[/b] She paused for a moment looking at the others. [b]"I think Brainiac knows what we are up to, I was in that and he some to come and capture me, He must of been hoping to catch me by surprise using the knowledge of those infected."[/b] She hypothesized at the end. [b]"Also I know how important it is to get the Lantern ring back, that much is clear from your discussions, But Brainiac will know this also. Our plan of attack should be one that is quick and efficient as possible without drawing to much attention.. I might add that while many of us might know the layout of the tower really well we must remember so does brainiac now, And given his knowledge of the importance of the ring I expect it to be well guarded and not a simple task."[/b] She paused theorizing the possibilities herself. [b]"It is likely to have infected civilians in the to try and test our morales along with some better training individuals. In the high chance of an infected leaguer there however is a different story, it is no guarantee it would be superman but it does not matter who it is for as strong as we may be as individuals, we are stronger as a team and should outnumber the leaguer opponent. We should look at what we know before heading into the tower or guess a distraction away from the tower, I believe it may be our best chance to secure the ring."[/b] Darkstar finished her rant, weather good or bad she would not know but the facts needed to be laid out somewhat and be realistic. She knew brainiac was onto them.