Okay, so I get antsy...a lot. It’s kind of an impulse to multitask on my part driving me to keep as many balls in the air as possible to help keep my creativity in focus. Read my expectations if you are considering taking me up. I know it’s long, but please bear with me for it because it is more crucial than some of the other stuff. [center][u]My Expectations[/u][/center] So, what I’m looking for is at least moderate to high Casual level players, though Advanced is definitely more than welcome; I’m expecting at least two paragraphs each post, though the longer the better. [b]There should be absolutely no one-liners - ever. I have a no tolerance rule for insubstantial posts.[/b] There should be some evidence of consideration and attempt to move the role play along; a few paragraphs that gives me nothing to work with doesn’t help us role play. I’m a stickler about minutia but I love to see details; at least try to keep things consistent, please. I like realism to be applied to writing and character concepts which means I will very likely ask questions about your character when it deviates from the reality we’re working with and get a competent, legitimate answer instead of “because that’s how it is” or something of the same venue. I don’t mind if you question me in return - actually, I enjoy it. Questions are the only way we get answers, and constructive criticism helps us improve. Preferentially, we’d have two conversations - one for the RP and one for OOC - since I like keeping non-RP stuff away from actual Roleplay. After all, communication is key, and I do find it fun to talk about the characters, discuss plot points and ideas, really anything RP (though I’m not opposed to unrelated stuff too.) We both should contribute to the RP; if you’re not happy with something I’m doing I’d like to find out, and I’d like to know the same can be done on my own side. Character count is up to you. I know I can juggle - I think the most I’ve done in a single RP was seven - multiple characters, but I’m okay with doing just one character with one character as well. Also, sheets are your choice. I find them to be helpful, but I would at least like to know a little bit about the character going in if they’re supposed to know each other going in. I think it goes without saying that proper grammar, proper spelling, third person, past tense is expected. I won’t gripe about grammar, though I may start in about spelling mistakes if it happens too much and I would appreciate knowing the difference between words like there and their or even since and sense (the latter one is actually truly infuriating and something I saw extremely often on a different site) and so on; remember those are just examples and not the full list of words to not confuse *though I have leeway with confusing affect and effect*. No unnecessary coding or apostrophes or capitalizations, please. Italics for internal thought or emphasis is fine and more than welcome as I will likely use that coding for those purposes, but anything else is just killing it in my opinion. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [hider=About Me] I live in the States, and am in the -05:00 UTC time zone (East Coast Time USA). I do work full time, but can get on every day to at least read posts; making posts, usually I can do that every day but there are times where life just gets in the way. My characters tend to be 25 or under, but I can age up/do have older characters if actually needed. I have a wide range of characters and am comfortable playing male or female characters of various sexual preferences. I like romance, but I usually don’t want that to be the sole focus of the RP. That being said, I don’t mind writing sex if it’s in the context of the RP - however, it should be a realistic expectation and definitely not turn into a plot point (being that it’s really the only thing the characters have going on.) And it’s okay to admit you’re uncomfortable writing it or just don’t know enough about the act to portray it with your writing - I am just as happy to fade and/or fast forward the RP past it if the situation comes up. Violence is okay in my book, but just - again, and kind of my theme - is keep it realistic and within reason (i.e. no violence so absurd it’s cartoonish.) Everything can be justified and I’d like to be able to get that reason if I ask. I’m a dark humored person with even darker outlooks on things (for a long time my main focus in writing was horror, after all) so don’t be afraid to have a dark setting or twisted characters. I will not tolerate being railroaded, particularly when it comes to reactions from my character(s). It’s okay to set up the expectation, but I ask you keep it subtle/natural; there should never be a time where I can blatantly say “well, clearly they want X to do blah, even though X just wouldn’t do that.” I won’t do it to you, so please don’t do it to me. I like to ask questions. It’s just how I am. Please never take it personally, and always feel free to ask grill me just as bad. If you don’t take it personally, I won’t take it personally. Some characters are nice, some characters are mean, and some characters just stab people in the face for minor transgressions (yes, I have a character like that and it’s a lengthy explanation as to the justification for it.) What happens in character, though, is purely in character. Trust me, I won’t feel shy about telling you I have an issue, and I would hope you will do the same, so long as we all keep it civil. As a final note - I don’t do fanfiction RPs unless we’re only stealing the setting/world and there is no use of actual storyline and/or canon characters.[/hider] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [u]Ploty-plot plot[/u] I like to RP in fantasy, sci-fi (so long as it’s not too futuristic), alternative reality (which generally falls under fantasy or sci-fi), preternatural/supernatural/occult/paranormal, horror (which can fall into most categories), superpowers (natural or scientifically given - which is just a difference between genres), and sometimes just fiction (aka slice of life). I could go even further in depth about them, but we can get into specifics in the chat conversation. I enjoy unconventional pairings, romance, and drama as subplots, but they should never take over the RP (unless it was predetermined to be the point of the RP.) Some actual plots I have: 1) Castle Larendale (fantasy) [hider=the basics][b]Setting[/b]: Classic Dungeons and Dragons (version 3.5 for those truly wondering.) This means basic races like humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and half-orcs with the traditional classes of fighter, rogue, cleric, druid, wizard, sorcerer, bard, barbarian, and ranger. This is meant to be a dark fantasy, so be aware. This doesn’t mean there can’t be an element of comedy, but this should not turn into something exceptionally lighthearted. [b]Plot[/b]: A village has put out a call for adventurers - strange things have been happening - centered around Castle Larendale, an estate overlooking the quiet village that has fallen to ruin over the last century. Ages ago, when Lord Larendale still lived, dark things happened in the castle, and the villagers fear dark things may be rising again. Live stock has been found, slaughtered by means not natural. Voices and laughter whisper on the wind, unnerving during the day and almost lyrical at night to draw villagers from their beds. Lights have been spotted in the castle, and some have sworn to see shadows moving on the parapets and a female standing in the window of the tallest tower. A group of adventurers heed the call and have headed off into the castle. [b]Where we come in[/b]: Our characters are part of this adventure party - whether we RP the entire 5 person party, or are just two of the members. If we’re the entire party, then we’ll be exploring the entire estate together. If we’re just two members, then we have been separate from the group and need to find them while figuring out what has been causing the distress for the villagers.[/hider] [s]2) The Collectors (Science fiction)[/s] [u][b]This one already has a taker. Sorry to any others interested.[/b][/u] 3) It’s Never Simple (Action/Romance) [hider=the basics][b]Setting[/b]: Modern day (so, like, now-ish, and preferably in the States as that kind of schooling is what I know best) and set in High School. Debating on whether this is a world with superpowers or just real world, so I’m looking for partner input if you would like to do this. The details of the high school will need to be worked out, as my high school had a different setup than the high schools even in the surrounding cities - but we’ll discuss more if anyone wants to do this. [b]Plot[/b]: High school is mostly boring - the same old stuff for the most part. Then a new girl moves to town and starts high school. She’s friendly, maybe even naively so, but there’s just something that seems off, particularly with her father. And trouble seems to have followed them. [b]Where we come in[/b]: Essentially, this would be a romance with action subplot. As a high school thread, this works best with us playing multiple characters, but I’m looking for my partner *if anyone’s interested in this* to at least play a male love interest for my female. I’ll give you details about her if you would like that before hand to help you plan.[/hider] I’m open to suggestion, so if these plots don’t interest you, feel free to make your own suggestion based on some of my genre interests. The more details you come to me with, the better - but I’m always up for fleshing out ideas if you only know the basics. And I can elaborate more on any of my plots if you are interested in them. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please send me a PM if you're interested.