Flynn watched as more and more wizards started to run into the town, back from the beach. He saw Amber and smiled, waving at her when she did to him. He grinned and looked at Zelia and Skye, "I was starting to worry that she wouldn't make it back before twelve." The clock chimed loudly, announcing the time to be twelve. Zelia giggled a little when Trex sat up with a start. She looked at him and shook her head, "No, you said twenty minutes... All the same, there wasn't a reason to wake you up yet, so I figure we'd let you sleep some," she shrugged when he asked about the goings on, "Nothing really. It looks like a couple of the wizards are late, which is a good thing for us, I suppose." She moved slightly to allow Trex to join the semi circle they were sitting in, "Skye asked why we joined Fairy Tail. So we chatted about that a little." Zelia looked from the house to Flynn, "You should probably head over there. He should be coming out soon. It is twelve after all." Flynn nodded and stood, "Will do," he ran over to Amber and Chris, who were far closer to the building than their group was. He smiled at her, "Hey, congrats on making it back in time," he looked toward the door and its sign, "You'd think that they would have just told us to wait... This seems a bit counter productive..." He chuckled a little stuffed his hands to his pocket, "How was the run?"