Takiko was relieved to find her patient was even remotely able to walk properly. She would not have known how else they would have had a possibility to get out of this alive, since neither she nor their knight was going to leave the injured guy behind. She wasn't sure when things had come to this, but it seemed enough time of solitude and running away had passed for survivors, or at least some of them, to want to help each other, instead of saving their own skins as it had been like in the beginning. It was a sure sign, that they were getting less and less and Takiko wasn't sure whether it was something to be happy about, since they were hepling each other out, or sad, because their situation had worsened so much that this necessity arose. She shook those thoughts off though as she helped her patient get to his backpack. She had just wanted to offer that they could come back later to collect the other things, sometime when she had properly tended to him and his wounds had started healing, so that there would be no risk in this, when he said it himself. So she just nodded and concentrated on supporting him. Moving seemed to be difficult for him and was growing an alarming shade of white in the face, especially since he had already been really pale before, from all the blood loss. They had to hurry and get him to her van, where he could rest and she could sew his wounds close and bandage them properly. Takiko turned her head to look at him when he whispered his apology, then shook it and gave him a small smile. "No need." she told him earnestly. "This was our decision. I don't know about our knight, but for me, it's actually the closest I will ever get to getting to do my job." They reached the bag they had been making their way towards. She made sure he was able to stand upright and bend to pick up the backpack, slinging it over her shoulder, where it joined her own. It was heavy and would be hard to move with, but her patient was barely able to walk the way it was, so she wouldn't let him carry any more weight, it would slow them down more if he wore it, than when she would. "Good, how are you holding up?" she called over to their knight. "We're ready to leave and..." she looked over the growing number of creatures, "we should defintely hurry before even more of those things come to get a bite of as well."