Whitney tried to contain his illness throughout first period, but it wasn't at all easy. He could barely lift his head without a wave of pain flooding through him. He slowly got up when the bell rang and dragged himself down the hall, keeping his head low. He felt like some sort of weird sensory overload was going on in his head and it seemed doing anything except lying down with his face covered in a quiet place was too much. Unfortunately this didn't make the halls quieter or the light dimmer, and he considered calling his mom after all. Lost in thought, he didn't focus on where he was going and stumbled into Pen, who didn't seem all that affected considering she was a lot stronger than him. He was about to look up to give his usual unfriendly glance he realized who she was and that she looked just as unpleasant as he did. He noticed she carried an extra backpack with her, one that could only belong to David. He figured this illness and his group had something to do with one another, and he sighed. "This is affecting our group from yesterday, isn't it?" He briefly paused for what appeared to be a moment of thought. "I'll go along with whatever dumb thing you'll plan, I've got nothing better to do." Whitney walked past her to get to his next class. He realized that if this, whatever this is, is going to keep bothering him, he's going to need the trust of those people whither he liked it or not, and if he was going to earn it, he needed to do what he hated most.