Or XXX2 for short. Here's the Int check which has some discussion as well as the initial premise of the RP: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/42430/posts/ooc]Space Western meets Psychological Drama[/url] I am hoping to have the first IC post up this evening. Once we've "depleted" our (inter)actions for a specific system, I will introduce a "sensor report." This report will have limited scans of nearby systems from which the crew can then choose (like approximate number of planets, size/type of star, nebulae, etc. etc.). This report won't likely have considerable amounts of more pertinent information like the composition of the planets, signs of primitive life, and the like, but the crew should be able to make educated guesses about the system to promote finding more than just another rock floating through space (but be prepared, the overwhelming likelihood is that we will be finding a lot of rocks... floating through space). The first post will include one of these reports as well as a smidgen of background. I will save my own character posts for elsewhere, and make very clear when I am speaking for my character and when I am giving a sensor report. Here's the Dramatis Personae as I understand them at this point (tell me if I get this wrong, and remember, we all have a bit of a jack-of-all-trades nature and can see to many tasks aboard the ship): Sep: Pilot/Captain Kessa: Communications/Cartographer Ellri: Xenoplanet specialist Foster: Cook Jorj: Engineer/Programmer Technical details: post length is not something we can always control. Having introspective upon introspective about the recycled apple you ate that morning can be quite droll, and thus posts may very well get shorter with time. I have no problem with that. If you're having a direct conversation with another character however, it might be smarter to do some sort of joint post rather than each person posting one sentence at a time. The galaxy we will be traveling to is the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Magellanic_Cloud]Large Magellanic Cloud[/url]. Definitely feel welcome to join #threads on the irc to discuss the rp at any point, I'm in there quite a bit. Final note, because I want this stressed before we continue: this rp is designed for character development. While it has "hard" sci-fi as an undercurrent, I designed this rp specifically to see how the interactions of a small group of characters, forever separated from their homes/families, would progress through a greatly uncharted territory. The effect the journey will have on their psyche, how they will cope with the others aboard the ship, these are the things that interest me. The mineral content of P4X776 does not. And even if we stumble across life, intelligent or not, I am still more interested in how such a discovery will effect the mood of the crew, than spending umpteen amounts of posts describing whatever wonderful forms of primordial bacteria we come across, or having futile conversations with silicon-based lifeforms that don't even respond verbally. Here we go!