When Ajax walked in Daxin's eyes shifted to him as he neared. When he spoke she had no clue what he was even saying. Was it really on his mind? She looked back down at her cup and took a deep breath. "Is this nessassary to speak of?" her eyes turned back up to him. "Your sexual progress does not concern me so what reason is it that you felt the need to speak it? A few friends said I looked mad?" she tilted her head to the side. "I was very much mad that you allowed such humans to cling to you when you are someone that is above such things..I had hoped that infact but simply...You are just a person who wants to tell about his endevers to those who will listen. While you want to be heard I simply do not care," Daxin spoke as she closed her eyes and fought to keep a stern look on her face. She fought to keep her cheeks from turning red since this conversation was not what she had expected. Why did he have to say this? Was he a mind reader? Did he know every thought she made about him? Daxin crossed her legs and watched him. "I am here simply to catch up with you not your personal matters Ajax so please can we talk about why on earth this place of all places is so important to you and why have you not even tried looking for me?" she pouted and stood up. "I have been worried sick about you ever since all that awful drama had errupted." she crossed her arms.