Ajax smirked, squeaking could be heard from his left shoulder as a Air sprite walked out from behind his hair. "Actually no I am not a mind reader, but my friend here is. It is quite nice to have them around when you have people in your home. I said this because you called the females who flirt with me wenches, when I have done nothing more then talk to them as a gentleman. I have been waiting for someone who truly loves me. As for not looking for you, i was stuck in certain places protecting as best i could the small part of forest i could. I have been here for the past two hundred years protecting this 10 acres of forest from humans hands, I have added to it as well as brought animals to it here. As well as a few other races. I am there guardian, tis' all i knew after your..." he paused as the sprite squeaked to him. "Calming himself after his face started to turn a rather deep red, and it seemed as if the flames from hell lite in his eyes, he spoke once more. "sister tricked me and had me thrown from mount Olympus. From you and all I knew.....she did that because I fell in love with yo...." he stopped and turned his head from her his hair hiding his face. His shirtless chest Rising and falling with deep breaths, emberacment obviously scenting him.