[center][IMG]http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/1146/ihyo.jpg[/IMG] [b][i]Themes: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metafiction]Metafiction[/url], [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fantasy]Science Fantasy[/url], [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_realism]Magic Realism[/url], [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_universe_(fiction)]Alternate Universe[/url][/i][/b][/center] [indent][b]Staff:[/b] Prince as Head Moderator [b]IRC Chat:[/b] [url=http://us19.chatzy.com/87371333307236]Click Here[/url] [b]Official Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2eHh4GcJMQ]Our Own Little World by Celldweller[/url] [b]Roleplay Status:[/b] Active, Accepting New Players[/indent] [center][b]Quick Check![/b][/center] [b]CosmoNET[/b] is a roleplay with merged elements of science fiction and fantasy, mostly highlighting the fantasy. Designed to be both an action thriller and psychological thriller at different points of the roleplay, the entire environment of this world can change as the characters venture back and forth between their every day lives and their fantastical adventures on the CosmoNET where they develop unique powers alongside other avatars and the world around them is often showed to them in ways paralleling an MMORPG. The elements of science and fantasy are often interchangeable here where neither mystic monk and the want-to-be Ley Master can exist side-by-side with neither having a true advantage over the other. The overall purpose of the roleplay is for their Ley Master and trainer, PhyKnight, to prepare them for the war against the inner council and they will find out that the plot of this game is a lot thicker than they realized. [center][b]Full Description[/b][/center] [indent][b]CosmoNET[/b] is a roleplay centered around an alternate universe and features core themes of Science Fantasy and Magic Realism. Earth itself in this universe is even less significant than a grain of sand in the largest of deserts. So insignificant, in fact, that the plot of this roleplay will never even near Earth. Despite that, the characters of this roleplay will still hail from Earth and will ultimately travel the entire cosmos using what is called the CosmoNET. Entering the theme of Science Fantasy, the CosmoNET is a unimaginably immense network of Ley that scours the entire cosmos and connects even the most distant planets to the nexus of all existence found at the very center of the cosmos. Ley itself is a sub-atomic particle with varying mass, density and characteristics that allow it to take the place of an electron, neutron, proton, photon and every sub-atomic particle that make up those aforementioned ones as well as can act as either a wave or particle, thus can allowing it to even transition itself to raw kinetic energy. Ley exists in several forms, with enough varying characteristics that the sum of knowledge from every living Ley Master would create a tome thicker than every chemistry textbook known. The basis, however, is that there are two main forms of ley: negative and positive. Earth falls on a negative ley line, thus every character in this roleplay will use negative ley, at least at first. This does not mean Ley will always take the place of an electron as the 'charge' of ley is not inherently the same as other forms of matter or energy. The only true inherent nature of Ley is that it tends to coalesce, thus resulting in the nexus being a large, neutral sphere of Ley so dense no known user can access it with such great force of attraction on all other Ley that it has forced the entire cosmos to rotate around it. It is believed that the energy of the core is far greater than that of the entire rest of the cosmos and it is known that despite its relatively neutral charge, there are places where it is solely positive. The model of the CosmoNET universe is vaguely similar to an atom. In fact, the CosmoNET has 'shells' as distance from the core grows greater. The first shell, also known as the inner worlds, has the greatest concentration of Ley and is mostly positive. The last two shells are exponentially bigger with almost the same amount of ley spread out over a far larger area, so much that in the last shell Ley is so thin that it is negligible. Earth is located in an outer shell so far out that locating it is almost impossible. The only reason it was found, in fact, was that its life proved to have the potential to, with help, link up with the Ley lines that ran through it and create an avatar of their very soul somewhere as far away as the middle shell. This potential is the leading cause of plot in this roleplay as characters are being chosen based on the strength of the finite amounts of ley found within their living being, also called their spark of life. Those with slightly stronger sparks of a younger age are given the opportunity to 'access the CosmoNET' and ultimately be trained as soldiers for a war, although this training is in guise initially as a type of game paralleling the fantastical MMORPG's found here on Earth. The goal of their recruiter, known as PhyKnight, is to train them to help fight in the war against the inner council, which is a corrupt set of individuals whom themselves fight for control over the inner shell. Thus, in essence, the goal of the CosmoNET is to bring rebellion into war.[/indent] [center][b]Introduction[/b][/center] What if you were awoken from a surreal dream with an offer that seemed both crazy and amazing? What if you were given the opportunity of a lifetime, except you had a thousand reasons to doubt it? What if you awoke in a cold sweat just a moment before your alarm blared, left without any assurance until the next night? If it was all caused by an azure-armored knight interrupting your sweet dream or saving you from your horrific nightmares... [indent]...would you go with him?[/indent] [hider=Incoming MSG][indent][b]Welcome to the CosmoNET, ![/b][/indent] I am PhyKnight, and I will be your guide. You have been chosen among a handful of other youths to enter a competition to become the [i]Champion of Earth[/i]! [indent]What kind of game is this, you ask? Did you sign up for it? Is this real?[/indent] This is no game, . I am the Ley Master of your neck of the woods. I search hundreds of life-bearing planets in a range so great that your most magnificent telescopes could not begin to see what I can in seconds. I can do this because the world is knit-together with what we call Ley, and its negatively charged where you came from. Every world, especially those that are life-bearing, is somehow connected with Ley in a network so vast that no Ley Master can even begin to see it all in the same way your telescopes barely look into our world, but I assure you that we share it. You were chosen, , because your soul itself has a spark in it that I believe could sustain a connection to the CosmoNET. Now, I cannot make you do this. If you so choose to leave after this introduction, I will never bother you again. However, if you choose to come with me, you will be trained in the ways of combat, the magics that surround you and even how your science can be just as useful as a tool as the ancient mystics of other worlds. There will be dozens of not hundreds others chosen, and only one of you may take on the title of Champion. Lastly, I assure you this is completely real. The world is so vast that outside of it, things happen that you yet cannot comprehend, but if you come with me, you will. Your soul will venture with me every night as you sleep and I will make sure you are trained to become a great warrior, or maybe inventor or maybe even become a leader. There are no limits here. Your soul will take time to adapt, so your visits will be short at first. But, once you begin to strengthen yourself and your soul, you will be able to make a single night's rest into weeks of time with me, if not more. If you are curious as to a few things, such as why only the youthful have been chosen, I can easily explain. An older soul will lose its plasticity, thus meaning very few adults can manage the CosmoNET. Because of the demand of users to be youthful, I have taken elements common to many of them to create this more familiar environment for meeting and training them. I have to meet with thousands of candidates in such fractions of a second that you could not comprehend how fruitless it would be for me to visit each of you individually, and only so many of you can become true users of the CosmoNET with even fewer ever becoming champions. [indent]I shall visit you, , in your next dream, waiting for an answer. Signing out, [i]PhyKnight[/i][/indent][/hider] That is exactly the question CosmoNET asks. This is the prompt, or at least a generalization of it, that each character will be given when they are met by the PhyKnight. With that type of greeting, what will you decide? ----- [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/44988/posts/ic]IC[/url] | [s]OOC[/s] | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/44984/posts/ooc]Character Sheets[/url][/center] [hider=Character Sheet Temlpate] [b]Character Image (optional)[/b] [Name | Age | Gender] Appearance Avatar Ability Personality Traits -Strengths in school -Likes/Dislikes -Other talents History Miscellaneous -Quote -Theme Song[/hider] [hider=Rules] [list][*]I, Prince, am presently the only member of staff, thus act as judge and jury for content, interaction, additions and editions to the roleplay. I reserve the right, at any time, make and addition or edition and subsequently determine the consequences of said alterations to the roleplay. Any conflict will be resolved through me and by me. Any rule, event or action taken in the roleplay is at my discretion and will ultimately be accepted as my interpretation.[/*] [*]I invoke the [b]Writ of Creative Domain[/b]. Anything made [i](at later points in the roleplay when creativity will allow for more player-based engineering, the purpose of this will be more important)[/i] to exist within my roleplay will from then on be subject to any addition, edition or alteration otherwise regardless of original author.[/*] [*]I invoke a [b]Null Rhetoric Clause[/b]. Any statement, comparison or claim made within the roleplay, either by through dialogue, made indirectly or otherwise stated will be subject to my interpretation at any time.[/*] [*]As to encourage creativity and ingenuity, I have invoked the aforementioned rules so that every roleplayer knows that they will be given fair and equal treatment with their creations as they will be subject to the same scrutiny. They exist so that one may stretch creative boundaries and make more of the roleplay unique while at the same time making a guideline for what can and will happen if conflict arises. They are a failsafe, not a deterrent.[/*] [*]As this roleplay has began on a relatively small scale, I would like to remind each roleplayer of two things: your cooperation and courtesy will be needed to help this project grow, expand and become a pillar of roleplaying success. With that said, I will try to resolve any conflict with a lighthearted approach and a gentle touch. Additionally, I will allow users to PM me contact information to be listed on this main post if they so wish to encourage off-site and out-of-roleplay interaction in an attempt to better tether the community.[/*] [*]Any collaboration post, specifically those made within Titanpad, should have a title listing the characters and their roleplayers at the top of the post, bolded and centered. This is mostly for organizational purposes. I also encourage collaboration and will be more than happy to partake in any collaborative efforts.[/*][/list][/hider] [hider=Contact Information] [b]Prince[/b] is also available on Skype with the username [i]omniscended[/i]. He works varied hours and is on Central Standard time. [b]Krauxis[/b] is also available on Skype with the username [i]Ghurdrich[/i]. He works varied hours, but is normally on Eastern Standard Time.[/hider]