((Sorry to see you go LeeRoy, you're always welcome back here if you change your mind)) [b] Rainmaker's Team [/b] Locust reeled back from the hit and one of his mandibles hung loosely from his insectoid face, greenish blood sliding down the chitin. He shook his head and seemed to approximate laughter in a series of high-pitched crackles. Locust spoke then and his voice was raspy and low, "Good hit. But you'll have to do better than that." Suddenly Locust spit a blob of green mucus at Blast Girl, right at her chest plate. It wasn't an extremely potent burst. The acid would eat through her armor and compromise it, possibly inflicting corrosive burns on her skin. Locust followed it up with a series of slashes at her center mass. [b] Pariah's victims [/b] Magnetar held up a car in front of him just in time to have Shocker's burst of lightning blow it into a fiery husk. Shocker leveled his hand for another blow when he felt someone strike him in the neck. He pitched forward but held his ground and remained standing. Phantom suddenly experienced a mild electric shock that would stun her for several moments as her unprotected skin met the electrokinetic's neck. Shocker whirled around with his hands raised but didn't see anybody. He turned around in time to see several metal marbles fly into his face. They hit him square in the forehead and the electrokinetic fell forward into the ground and out of consciousness. Strix's pellets caused Chrome to stagger backward and blink in confusion for a few moments. When Changeling hit him with his illusions Chrome shook his head and grimaced, "Your mind tricks don't work on me Fae. But I seem to recall your kind aren't particularly fond of iron. And seeing as how Steel is almost 100% Iron. Well..." Changeling's knives dented Chrome's steel body and his kick staggered him backwards but it became increasingly obvious that direct physical confrontation with the steel man would be fruitless. Changeling's visions were mostly ignored by the disciplined Chrome and he advanced on Changeling with his fists raised. Adamant was rocked off her feet by the explosive pellet and Redeye began immediately melting the concrete around her with her heat vision, fusing the diamond woman's outline into the street. Bulwark was also blown away for a few feet and Bullseye knocked him out with a gas arrow, causing him to go limp and unconscious. Morph came by and used his gunk to further entrap Adamant and Bulwark, after having finished with Shocker. He moved on to Frost and Aquamarine who struggled uselessly. Ember saw the pellets flying at her and she raised a corona of flame around her, guessing that it might try to freeze her attacks. The cryo blast and it's freezing temperatures knocked out all of her flames coating everything around her in a frosty sheen. But she was was still up. Ember blew up Charlotte's crows with a fire ball. Then she saw Charlotte and Rolling Girl standing and started firing burst after burst of flame at the pair. Apogee burrowed underground and found the shield had a bottom. She went back up and started firing away with her heat vision. She was joined by Plasmus and Redeye with Bullseye firing incendiary arrows at the sphere. The shield flickered a few times and Bastion had to visibly strain to keep the shield held up. Extrusion's elasticity was suffering as well and his human net decreased in size and complexity as he tried to assume a simpler form. Colossus was still on the ground but would likely recover soon. It seemed Sentinel was still out for the time being. Suddenly Strix was shot in the back by a taser. It was followed up with a series of baton strikes to the back of his head and torso. An unseen leg then swept his unsteady feet. The assault should have forced Strix to the ground. A gun clicked and an unseen voice said, "These are live rounds. Pariah told me not to take any chances with you and you know how serious he is. Stay down or get two nice new holes in your head."