Jhino sat watching as more and more people began to arrive. Things were beginning to seem more and more boring. Jhino stood preparing to leave when out of the blue he heard his name being called. He looked around before seeing a boy approaching him. He rose an eyebrow, though it was hidden under his helmet, and made a frown. Jhino slowly moved his hand to grip one of his short swords, prepping himself for combat. Then the boy introduced himself and said they were joining a team together. "Team? The letter didn't say anything about a team." He dropped his hand from his sword and reached into his pocket pulling out the letter. He scanned the letter several times before letting out a sigh. "I should really read these things more carefully." Jhino looked towards the boy. He crossed his arms and scanned the figure. "Im Jhino. I would say its nice to meet you but you don't seem like much. Don't hold me back or get in my way and we should be fine." Jhino smirked as a smile creped across his face. "If you want to prove your usefulness then go find Agini." He placed a picture on the boys head. It was a picture of Agini that was in his letter. With that, Jhino returned to his seat. The kid was stronger then he appeared, the fact that he was placed on a squad of Chunin meant he had great potential. The name Agini rang a bell in his head as well. So young and already a chunin, this would be the path that Kino would walk if Jhino could help it. But he digressed in his thoughts and merely waited.