It was a nice enough day, while everyone else was setting up for the show Monty was hitting the town. Well he was, now he was on his way back. It was a nice little tradition he had, go to the nearest town and advertise a bit. Some oohs and awes from people looking at his tattoos and little voodoo baubles. Also it was a nice chance to stock up on different herbs, teas, flowers, and some spices, it had been forever since he had cooked some home style Cajun food. While not every body liked it, most did and the ones who didn't still showed up for dinner. As DuPont said, [i]"Food brings people together Monty...and that's one of the best kinds of magic there is.[/i] Monty smiled at that, while no one at the Troupe were blood they were better at family than his own blood and it felt good to cook for them. As he set himself in a good mood a favorite song of his came up on the radio and he happily hummed the tune as he drove back to the fair grounds. In little to no time Monty pulled up near fairgrounds and parked his car next to his tent that James had set up. Nice fellow he was. As Monty started to unload his car, he set up a kettle of tea... it felt like a a ginseng day. While he waited for the kettle to heat up Monty finished unloading his stuff and set it around his shop. Herbs here, tea leaves there, and some flowers right here. Taking a step back Monty looked at his little tent and gave a happy sigh as his kettle went off. However right before he was going to shave the ginseng root he heard crying. Poking his head out of his tent Monty saw a little girl sitting on the grass crying to herself. Now that wouldn't do. Monty made his way to the little girl and crouched down to her level, asking her what was wrong. It turns out she had lost her mother and couldn't find her. Feeling bad the little tyke, Monty handed her a handkerchief to wipe her nose and brought her to her feet. Offering his hand to her, Monty said "Lets go find your mother, whats your name little one?" After the question Monty learned that her name was Lizbeth, or Liz for short. In turn Monty told her his name and they were off. In about fifteen minutes they had found Liz's mother, in the same condition he had found Liz when they started this little search party. When the mother came into view Liz ran off with a high pitched "Mommy!" and collided with the woman who embraced her with tearful joy. As the woman pulled herself together she thanked Monty with as hard as he could, Monty just said it was his pleasure and said his goodbyes to both Liz and the woman, absentmindedly asking them to come see the show if they wanted to. When Monty made it back to his little shop his good mood persisted, [i]"Today is going to be a good day"[/i] he thought to himself as he reheated his kettle and looked over his cookbook on what to make for dinner tonight.