[b]Name:[/b] Mark Estebez [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] Mark has very short, spiky and red colored hair. He wears glasses and a single earring on his left ear. He is a bit above average height and wears black camo pants with a deep blue long-sleeved shirt. [b]Location:[/b] Somewhere in USA [b]Short bio:[/b] Mark was raised by both of his parents, but he doesn't remember much from before he was ten. He blames that on the bad memory he's always had, which has gotten him into trouble many times, like forgetting important upcoming dates and people's names. He was an outcast in school and spent most of his time at home playing videogames and drawing pictures on his own as he had no siblings. Mark never did good in school, barely scraping past the minimal score and daydreaming during most of class. When he finished high-school he had no goal in life, as it was to be expected from someone who had spent most of his teen years slacking off and smoking pot. After that, Mark wasted two years doing nothing, his parents growing tired of him every passing day. For his 20th birthday they bought him an apartment as their way of telling him to move out already and get a life of his own since he was just a lump at home. The first month after moving his parents told him he needed to get a job since they were only gonna pay for the apartment, so Mark got to it, he applied for a job at the only thing he was good at: drawing. A magazine about indie comics was in the need of someone to fill the last two pages. Mark feels he is capable of getting the job done, but some strange dreams are not letting him get enough rest to work...