Victoria listened to him explain why he was there just like her. "I think that is brave of you to protect a family like that and your idea to scare them away was a good one to bad your pack could not see that at all, I think you are very honorable towards those who are not your kind." Victoria said for she spoke the truth before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep curled up into a ball on the ground. She had no clue what to do once she woke up, she had no place to go, no one to give her blood when needed, and she hardly knew how to defend herself since she lived in a castle all her life until now. When morning came she was still asleep for she never liked waking in the morning and she slept more durning the day then she did at night for it night was easier on her then the day time. So Victoria had no clue that Bur'nak had picked her up and being carried some where with out her knowing a thing as she slept oblivious at what was going on.