Before totally slipping into unconsciousness, Caelyn heard someone mention that all the dead were turned to ash. With that last thought before slumber slipped her mind. Blackness everywhere, ash and contagion so thick that if you inhaled it, you would choke and die. Every building was on fire, only seeking reprieve from an occasional wave crashing a bit high. Steam would add to the fire and only add to the thickness of the black mess engulfing this poor town. She couldn't recognize where she was. The flames were to high, and the smoke too thick. Just as she said it, she saw the man in the robes with red glowing eyes staring back at her. He let out a scream and his face melted off exposing... a dragon? What does this mean.... the dragons' wings started beating to clear out the smoke revealing to her the location she was at... Rogue. Her home town, destroyed completely by the dragon man. A hissing sound from behind her revealed a person walking towards her. It was Kyden but he was ashen, and trying to say something to her. "Huuuurrrrrryyy, a tret is comin." he pushed through charred lips. Suddenly a dragon-head scooped down and bit off Kyden's head and Caelyn screamed. She awoke in a sweat letting out a blood curdling scream "KYDENN!!!! "