SHe was happy and hoping that he would follow until Ajax pinned her to the tree. Her eyes grew wide in shock and she llet out a small squeek.When he held her in place and picked her up she was not sure what to do. His lips pressed against hers and she felt less worry. Her lips moved agianst his tenderly and she smiled. "do we have to? Can't we just stay here?" Ajax whined making Dax laugh and noded. "Yes, I want to see this city," she smiled then kissed him back happily. When he let her go she took a moment to gather her mind before focusing on her goal. "Well i suppose we can if it is your wish, Oh and so you might have to turn into an evil bitch a few times tonight. Just forwarning you" That made her eyes move to Ajax. What on earth? "W Why is that?" her eyes followed him curiously as he lead her out of the garden. IN the city Daxin dragged Ajax to as many stored and sights that she thought were worthy of her presence. She had a ball looking at the new things and shopping a bit. She knew that he had no interest in such things but she was thankful that he was patient. After a few hours of standing Daxin got a bit tired and turned to Ajax. "alright my fun is over," she yawned and glanced about. "Shall we return?" she looked back up at him and smiled.