Kiena saw the orc draw an axe as she darted towards it, the thrill of the fight giving an extra spring to her steps. She hadn't been in a proper battle for weeks. Not since the incident... but she refused to let herself think about that. She faltered as Decado charged beside her, throwing a well-aimed knife at the orc and pushing his way in front of her. She almost laughed. [i]He doesn't trust me,[/i] she thought in amusement. Well, despite her looks she could take care of herself, as she was determined to prove in this fight. Kiena was preparing to duck around her partner's raised shield and take advantage of the distraction his knife caused, when she heard Arthur calling out orders from behind. [b]"Decado Injured to my right, Kiena on my left, keep on your feet, Astiroth wolf..."[/b] Kiena, used to taking split-second instructions after years of working with the Ironwolves, immediately pivoted on her foot to switch targets. She now faced an uninjured orc who had just drawn a large axe. He spun to look at her. For about half a second, they sized each other up. Kiena quickly identified an opening in the orc's stance and sprinted forwards, aiming her sword. The orc realized her intentions, however, and shifted in time to stop her blade with his own. So, the initial strike didn't work. She would get him with the next one. She spun around, getting behind the orc and stepping into its blind spot. The maneuver gave her just enough time to jab her sword into the orc's thigh and jump back to avoid the counter strike.