Luke walked into the dining area and looked at the feast before him. He shook his head at Ryan and said, "Come on now man. You know I like my beans medium rare these are well done." The two men chuckled at one another as Luke sat down to enjoy the meal with a cup of coffee. Luke heard Ryan's analysis and ideas about the day. Luke nodded and said, "That sounds good to me. I gotta believe though that with all the people working here, and all the chemicals for like the upkeep of the station that there has to be some place they washed up. With locker rooms and everything there has to be something somewhere especially with the executives living high on the hog in this place." He looked over at Ryan and said, "Yeah I think we both can use a shower and some washing up. It's a bad sign when neither of us can readily recall when the last time we took a shower. Then again it's just you and me I don't think we have to really worry about impressing anyone right now. Besides compared to some of the others that we've run into we're actually a couple of winners." It was when Luke thought back to when Ryan mentioned another way in that Luke's focus shifted from the DVD to business at hand. Like a switch went off in his head that told him it was time to get back to business. Luke stood up and paced a bit and said, "I agree face it you and I have it pretty good in this joint, but you and i both know at some point things are gonna get dicey again. My friend we are living on borrowed time it's best we get ahead of things while we can. Not to mention it would be a pretty good idea to know of another way out of here." Luke took another sip of his coffee and then left the room to make ready for their trip out. He thought about his bow and arrow, but decided against it because Luke knew it was time to keep an eye on his arrow supply. Sooner or later he would have to venture out to get some more from the sporting goods store down the street, or hope that there was tree farm in this place that he could pillage. Luke didn't think there was a huge chance of that happening, so he grabbed his baseball bat, some rope, his knife, a flashlight and made his way back to Ryan. He said, "Once this episode is over go ahead and get ready and we'll move out." Luke looked back at the TV and said, "Didn't see this much when it first came out. It's rude and sophomoric and totally predictable." Luke looked back at Ryan and said, "And I love it." The two shared a laugh over that and watched the rest of the episode. When the episode was over Luke asked, "I wonder if the blonde is out there and is a survivor?" Ryan looked at Luke and Luke said, "Hey you never know a beautiful young lady like that and a mature guy like me. You know stranger things have happened." Ryan shook his very slowly and Luke said, "Go ahead and gear up before I start asking those questions about the blonde wearing glasses. Which by the way not bad looking either." Luke shook his head and said, "Wow I need to get out more." Luke said to Ryan as he prepared to get his gear, "Just a heads up with beans and coffee in me you might wanna let me walk behind you. I can already tell those beans are gonna give some issues."