11. It has only been a year since that fateful day, and Damien is still on his path of revenge. However, he has come to hide and control his emotions better, even adopting a facade of a laid-back attitude to keep from getting overly angry. In that year, Damien started with the city the Earl was based in. Damien obviously knew he wasn't yet powerful enough to charge headlong against his foe, so he decided to start with the soldiers that were sent to attack his tribe. After scrounging around for information, he was able to identify one of the captains. Although Damien didn't know much in the way of assassination, he did his best, and before he killed his foe outright, he gained the knowledge of the rest of officers. Beginning with the lowest rung, Damien worked his way up to the general in charge of the attack. Damien learned that the general was in another city; apparently on vacation. He was on his way to see if the information checked out when what seemed to be a stray dog caught up to him and wouldn't seem to go away. There seemed to be a parchment wrapped around the animals leg. The dog allowed Damien to approach unopposed and grab the paper. When Damien unraveled it, the message seemed both awe-inspiring and too good to be true. [i] Damien, darkness threatens to engulf our world as it had thousands of years ago. The Six Sages are being called upon to defeat this evil and once again ensure peace reigns over Divus. You are the Sage of Fire, and are asked to report to the school inside Ena Kristala City to begin your training as a Sage. Do not allow your need for vengeance cloud your judgement. Aid the world in its time of need. [/i] The letter was simply signed Amalia. The letter seemed too far-fetched to Damien, yet the mysterious person mentions his "vengeance." Only a handful of people truly know what happened to his tribe, and this person is going to great lengths to get his attention. Tenebra is a ways off, and anything could happen to Gilius while he is away, but if what this person says is true, then how can he say no? He decided the best idea would be to venture to Tenebra and see what this person has in store for him. As he began his journey, however, the dog that carried the letter stayed with him. With the apparent liking the dog took to Damien, he reluctantly decided to take him as his pet. After a little pondering, he decided on the name Ember on account of his own element. The dog seemed to like the name and so it stuck. The duo set out on the adventure towards their new quest.