It was as if weight had been lifted off her shoulders once the crow fauna introduced herself. The tall girls greeting brought a wave of relief, washing through the brunette and ridding her of all the lingering anxiety. Before she could talk any further, Clem froze in awe as Yu raised her arms. Watching the feathers spread out as they draped from arms thanks to the ribbons, the girl felt her jaw drop slightly as she spoke up in a dazed tone, “[b]Wow.[/b]” Returning her gaze back to Yu's bright scarlet eyes, she mirrored the other girls grin as her feathers draped over her sides once her arms were back down. Not paying much concern as her slender hand reached and grabbed her braid and began to play with it, Clem simply stood still with her hands still sitting comfortably along her back. Her sisters often played with her hair, so she it didn’t bother the brunette as she watched her swish it back and and forth before her face. Listening to her talk, Clementine took in her shape as she stood before her. Yu's tall slender frame was tone, and athletic. With alluring features and a delicate shape, the sword attached to her hip made Clem all the more excited to see the fauna in battle. “[b]So, why're you here, Ms. Clementine?[/b]” That bright smile, and those dancing red orbs caught her attention once again as their eyes locked, “[b]to become a Hunter, I'm guessing? Yes, that's probably the only reason why you'll be sat on this ship.[/b]” Opening her mouth to talk, Clementine came to a halt as slim arms wrapped around the slender crows shoulders. From her back, one hand now sat along the handle of Yggdrasil as the rabbit fauna’s hand stroke Yu’s feather. Tension was high again, and the brunette was hesitant to make any action as she summed up the petite fauna. Her soft, and innocent features didn’t hide the dangerous vibe she gave off, as her fingers stroked through Yu’s feathers. Tempted to pull the pink haired bunny off of the girl, she watched Yu’s hand raise up to tug one of the her ears. Her grip slowly loosened before one hand fell to her side, and the other sat on her hip, visibly frowning as they made eye contact, Clementine watched as Yu introduced herself in a sweet but tight tone tugging on her ear harder and harder. Unsure what else to do, her lips tightened into a flat line as she spoke up in a flat tone and introduced herself to the other girl, “[b]I’m Clem, nice to meet you.[/b]”