It’s the summer after graduation and the senior class of Ridgeton High is celebrating the end of high school by going on a Pacific cruise. Despite all those speeches about “new beginnings,” everyone treats each other the same, sticking to their usual cliques, picking on their usual targets. Our characters come from completely different social circles. They know each other – they used to be best friends in middle school – but now they would rather shove bamboo up their nails than be caught dead [i]speaking[/i] to one another. That is, until their cruise ship gets hit by a huge, tropical storm and they both end up on the same life boat. Now they’ve got to get over their petty differences and help each other survive. After a few tense, agonizing days at sea, they get caught in another storm and tossed onto a beach. Their ordeal isn’t over yet though, since the island is just a small, uninhabited rock in the middle of the Pacific. Or so it appears. Even if they manage to shelter and feed themselves, they’ll still have to deal with the eerie cult that lives on the island and seems to keen to use one of them in some sort of virgin sacrifice. But if they can somehow get to their radio towers without getting caught, maybe they can send a distress signal and finally be rescued… So yeah, lot’s of stuff going on, plenty to keep us occupied. This is just a rough outline of the plot and it’s by no means set in stone! We still have to figure out what kind of cliques our characters belong to and what it was that drove them apart when they were younger. I like to play slightly arrogant, more dominant characters, so I imagine mine being a stuck up cheerleader with wealthy parents, gorgeous looks, and a penchant for ordering people around. I do ask that you don’t give me some whimpering, shivering mouse who stammers every reply. Give me a character with some backbone, someone who isn’t afraid to dish out as much as she gets ;) I’d like this to be a romance, but the more tension between our characters, the better. If you’re interested in this and you consider yourself an advanced writer, send me a PM. If you’re just looking for a smut fest, please move along. I’m looking for subtly, character development, someone who will help me move the plot along. I’m female by the way, 21, in case you’re curious. PM me!