Name: Alexander Westingfield Age: 47 Sex: Male Skills: + Pistol Marksmanship + Investigation + Observation + Knife Fighting + Brawling + Improvisation + Driving + Tracking + Interrogation + Lock picking + Deception Personality: Alexander is an experienced man, and it comes through in his gruff, honest tone of voice when dealing with most folks that are, often times, maybe half his age these days. A natural born liar and conman at heart, Alexander plays up his role as an honest, down on his luck detective when, in all actuality, he's in fact quite well off for someone in his position, and often uses his funds for his real work, rather than just his front job. He can often be found sipping at a drink of some sort or another, working through the latest batch of files and information on whatever he's been hired to work on that day, evening, night, or whatever time it may be, a calm, methodical patience clear in the actions he takes in all things. This does not apply to the Hunter aspect of his life, at least not all of it. Gone is the quiet, almost gentle politeness when he faces the vampire, gone is the illusion of being down on his luck and not a threat in the face of the Garou, and gone is any sense of mercy he ever had for whatever poor souls they had been before what they were now. Alexander is cold and callous when dealing with the supernatural, having lost any pity or remorse for what he did to their unlives, or lives in the case of the Garou, many years ago. Too many have slighted him, too many have made him suffer for him to feel anything other than a cold, smoldering hate that will never be extinguished, and will probably burn in his soul like a black banner of vengeance long after he has died. Bio: Alexander Westfield was not born in Boston, although he would state many a day that he was never happier than when he first moved into his apartment in downtown Boston, although he jokingly follows up with he knows better now. A lack of accent and a whole mixture of mannerisms make it hard to pinpoint where Westfield was born, though one would be surprised to hear he was born right next door to Boston, in essence, within the city of Lancaster in Pennsylvania. He didn't stay there long, his father a military man and having them move fairly frequently, Alexander was real used to making new friends, moving to the next country, meeting new people there as well. Once he was old enough to move out on his own, he went to London to attend college, getting a degree in criminal investigation, and it would be in London where, at the young age of 25, he would make his first encounter with the supernatural, and nearly die in the course of such things. He was on a pub crawl with several college friends, having pulled the sober one for that trip to corral the drunkards like a herd of cats, damn near impossible in other words. They were stumbling en masse down a street that was darker than usual when one of them vanished. Getting the rest to the next pub, Alexander backtracked and looked around for the guy, having palmed his knife in and out of the pub since they required any weapons be checked at the door. What he found was horrifying, to say the least. His friend was dead, literally splattered on the alley walls and the body itself was mostly drained as well. The hissing was his only warning, and he doesn't fully recollect all that happened that night. He does remember a desperate struggle, driving his knife into the thing multiple times to little effect, but the moment his pendant fell out of his shirt, the thing had been driven away, and he had managed to drive it off for good and escape back to safety, though the why of it working eludes him to this day. His friend was reported missing and found a few days later, but Alexander had already absconded from the country, having planned on doing so anyways, but now he had other reasons to do so. Traveling deeper into Eastern Europe, he tracked the rumors and stories of real vampires and werewolves, and found something deeply shocking. They were real, and obviously did not have humanities best interest in mind. Alexander had spent two years tracking down this truth, and he decided that night that the rest of his life would be spent on hunting them down, and killing the ones that were the gravest threat to humanity. He never adopted the illusion of slaying them all, he would always compromise on the ones that would not at least pretend to play nice with humans, and not out right slaughter them to survive. It took him several years to even figure out there was a difference, and he gave the Garou a wide berth, only dealing with them when they reared their heads in his actual work. He specialized in dealing with Vampires and their ilk, gathering twenty solid years worth of experience in the field of hunting and killing vampires. Alexander would move back to Boston, to use his criminal investigation degree as a cover, opening up his own Private Detective services, and would make some acquaintances, including a younger ex mercenary that worked with him on quite a few occasions, and a few friends, he included said ex mercenary as one, in the Hunter community that was able to be present and function in that city. It was well controlled by Vampires, and there were Garou outside of it, but Alexander cared little that such things were that way. It meant that, if he was cautious and clever, he could bring down the ones that were not willing to play nice with humans, which was rare for a Hunter to do, but he was not under any illusions of superiority. All he had was his faith, and what weapons, tools, and experience he could muster against the dark, and he would bring them to bear as best he could, in the best places possible. Appearance: [hider=Image][img=][/hider] Equipment: + Taurus Raging Bull Model 454 + Silver Edged Trench Knife + Medallion bearing a grinning Death's Head on one side, and a stylized Mjolnir on the other + Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser + Matches + Several Wooden Stakes + Crossbow with Nordic runes engraved on each wooden bolt, bearing curses against the Vampires on each + Video camera + Notepad and Pen + Handcuffs + Lock picking kit + Bolt Cutters + Cellphone + Large Maglight Flashlight