[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/15350/posts/ooc?page=1#post-350076] Check out the OOC! [/url] Alright, the IC has started and it is getting close time to recruit more members. I am currently looking for two players to join. If I get more interest, I am more than willing to put you on the waitlist and add you in at a later time in which I feel that the roleplay can handle more people. [b] [u]Quick Summary: [/u] [/b] -This is the first roleplay for a three part series -Our characters are going to be a group of average people find themselves intertwined between two opposing forces with superpower like abilities -Throughout the first part of the roleplay, the main objectives for the characters to accomplish is to learn how to control their newfound abilities and to dig deeper into the history between the two groups - The setting is in modern times with a slight futuristic edge on weapons and technology within the two opposing forces [b] [u]Brief History:[/u] [/b] 2001. It was a year that changed everything but not in the way most people think. Unlike the news of the Twin Towers falling, the happenings of the Sierra Project was kept a secret. A small team of scientist under the watchful eyes of the U.S. Military went out to find a way to enhance human performance to prepare themselves for the future. However, instead of finding enhancements that could allow a person to grow physically stronger than normal or allow a person to be able to survive harsher terrains longer than normal, they created something much more than they could ever dream of. A serum that could give inhuman abilities to about a quarter of the people given either by injection or inhalation of the gas produced. After the original group (nicknamed Generation Alpha) were tested on and the serum was found to be perfected, the Sierra Project moved to phase two with the introduction of Team Bravo in 2004. A group of ten were chosen to accomplish tasks deemed impossible by normal humans. However, things didn’t go as everyone expected as Gen. (generation) Bravo was decommissioned and the Sierra Project was shut down in 2008. Now it is 2014. Saturday, May 3rd to be exact and a few people that previously worked on the Sierra Project are becoming restless. One of the scientist was planning something and was delivering three vials of the serum in New York City. However, plans fell through as a minor car accident happened while riding the bus, breaking one of the vials during this process. Thus releasing a gas throughout the bus and unknowingly affecting a quarter of the people on the bus. Burger flipping teens, a first year middle school teacher, a recently divorced alcoholic, a tourist from Canada; just a group of average, everyday people who are soon going to be thrusted into a situation they would have never seen themselves in. Welcome to the rebirth of the Sierra Project, Gen. Charlie. [hider=A very brief description of the story so far] Within the IC, we have now gotten through the first part of the roleplay in which each person has been effected by a serum during a bus crash. As the week progresses, the group notices that changes are starting to occur as those affected by the serum shows signs of their abilities. However everything is not quiet as two groups the TSP (The Sierra Project) and the Reformers are both after these new Supers. Kidnaped, half of the affected people are taken by the TSP, a governmental group with noth Supers and military personals. The other half is taken by a ragtag group of Supers that teleport them onto a van and is transporting them to their base. However, both groups find out about the other and the new Supers they have and plan to retrieve them. With the Reformers acting first, they teleport the remaining Supers to the van where everyone is currently placed. This is where you will enter as one of the people on the van. [/hider] [b] [u]Rules and guidelines:[/u] [/b] -Follow the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/531/posts/ooc] Fundamental Rules of the Guild [/url] and Casual Standards. Seriously, read them if you haven’t because I will harp on you if you don’t follow them. Especially the Fonz part and rule five. -Play fair. Seriously, no one wants to write with the metagamming Mary Sue or the invincible godmodder. With the way this roleplay is going to work, our characters are purposely going to be weak and without knowledge of what is going on. -I’m not too much of a stickler when it comes to post but please use common sense. If you know spelling or grammar is not your strong point (which it isn’t for me) use a spell/grammar checker before posting. Running low on time so you're just going to throw a random, half hearted post to fill your quota? Don’t do it. If it’s going to take a bit long than you though, not a problem. No matter if you are just coming into Casual and barely reaching the minimums or writing paragraph after paragraph of Advanced level work, I want your post to be a good representation of what you can do. -Have any suggestions or ideas, please tell me! Although I’m the GM, I’d love to have feedback and help creating this story. [b] [u]Character Sheet: [/u] [/b] [hider= Character sheet] [b] [u]General Bio [/u] [/b] [b] Name: [/b] [b] Age: [/b] Teen slot: 1/2 taken [b] Gender: [/b] [b] Appearance: [/b] Please either have a picture and a small description (such as height, types of clothes normally worn on an average day, etc.) or have a description [b] [u] Superpower[/u] [/b] [b] Name of ability: [/b] [b] Description: [/b] [b] Level one abilities:[/b] What will your ability look like at level one [b] Level three abilities: [/b] What will it look like at level three [b] Level five abilities: [/b] What will your ability look like at level five [b] Weakness/drawback: [/b] Any weaknesses or drawbacks due to your ability [b] [u]History [/u] [/b] [b] History: [/b] At least a paragraph [b] The day before the bus ride: [/b] I would like to use this in exchange of having a personality. I would like to see what an average day was like and what type of person they were like before everything unfolded. Think of this as your introductory post. [/hider] If you have any questions at all or interested in joining feel free post here or PM me.