Shizune visibly flinched at the harsh words thrown at her. Reiko was right. She was a monster. But she wanted to help! She had to help them! Gritting her teeth-no, her fangs-Shizune looked Reiko in the face and slowly shook her head. "I'm sorry. I really am. I....I don't know what happened. I couldn't control myself..." Her confidence fading, the red eyed girl tried to turn away and began fidgeting in place. She felt like a little girl being scolded by her parents or the principal. Her gaze flitted over to Shinobu, and the muffler girl cradled Akane's still corpse. Why did it matter? She would There were enough secrets exposed for one day. "Shinobu.....please I-I...well it must have been that gray child! That's never happened before..." She spoke as if confirming it only to herself. Right. They had to get out of here now. Back to business. "Reiko. Please, we have to find Shiori! She'll...she understand! She'll help you. She can help me." Shizune pleaded to Reiko to at least have the P.O.I.R president hear her out." A pause. Followed by a heavy sigh. "Right. I guess you [i]should[/i] know the truth then....I...I am....." She kept her gaze to the ground, genuinely afraid of what their reactions would be. "I'm a vampire."