There were certain things that Kyle enjoyed doing before all hell broke loose. One of them was just sitting on the couch flipping around the dial on the TV until he saw something he liked. The movie "The Shawshank Redemption" was one of his all time favorites and no matter what point it was during the movie Kyle would stop and watch it. One of the lines that always stuck with Kyle was "In prison a man will do almost anything to keep his mind occupied." Although he wasn't locked in prison, however he did spend the last night in jail so there was that touch of irony, Kyle might as well be in prison. Forced to wear a gas mask that made him feel like he was in lock-up, not sure who he could trust, little or no contact with other people and there was that one group everyone wanted to avoid, everyone doing everything they can just to make it though another day, and the feeling of everything that you loved in life had been taken from you. It was so ironic that Kyle could go anywhere and do anything, and yet he felt like he was in prison. Kyle continued his trek towards the bridge as he came across a shop with a busted window and several DVDs just strewn about. The titles that Kyle saw laying there were some of his all time favorite movies "Casablanca," "Animal House," "Airplane," "Jaws," and of course "The Shawshank Redemption." Kyle almost gave serious consideration to picking them up or even going into the store to look around. However several things stopped him. Who knew what was in there possibly? Where would he keep the movies? His backpack only had so much. Not to mention how would he play them? The reality of life sucked, but for a brief moment Kyle liked being able to look at those movies and feel like he had some choices in his life again. Much like Andy and the crew working on the roof when they had their beers Kyle felt free for just a moment. Kyle turned and walked away heading towards the bridge. He began to do one of his past times to keep his mind busy. Kyle was a huge Bruce Springsteen fan and to keep his mind occupied he would create what he would call the ultimate concert. Kyle would pick a tour that Bruce was on, compose the set list from start to finish, imagine what he would be wearing that night, who he would be with would depend upon where he was living during that tour, and of course he would always be in the front row. [I][B]This time it would be "The Rising" 2002, in DC at the Verizon Center, open with Badlands followed by...[/B][/I] Kyle's train of thought was broken by the shape of something or someone moving away from him on the bridge. At first he was hesitant to go on, but at this point curiosity got the better of him. Kyle began to move towards the shape he saw on the bridge.