Hello. I have just returned to the guild after a long "hectic life" absence to find everything I once had on here gone. I can't remember my old username, or anyone I was friends with. Sadness.... but life must go on. I have been dying for a good roleplay for weeks..... I'm up for pretty much anything except for blood/gore, horror, or most fandoms. Nothing against them, but unless it's one I know and we are using OCs, I won't do it. I don't like the restriction of trying to be a character that isn't mine. If you want to run ideas past me or ask me questions, feel free to leave a post or pm me directly. Story lines, random pairings, etc.... I don't really care. I will get to it all eventually. I do work, have two children, and go to college so my responses may be limited to one a day or every other day. You will get responses though. That is a promise. I don't have much in the line of rules. I have a mouth like a sailor and a vivid imagination. Don't care if it's on a pm or a forum. That's all I can think of right now... it's after 2am here.... Merry meet and Merry part.