Aiko raised an eyebrow at the call; [i]clearly[/i] Kenji's carefree mannerisms had repercussions after all. Whoever was on the other end of the line sounded less than happy with whatever it was Kenji was lacking this time. "Oh, I'm fine with my own studies, thank you," she scoffed, and eyed his phone, which he had stuck in his pocket. "And who was that, hm? It's sounds like you're in quite a deal of trouble, Kenji-kun." This would certainly be an interesting topic for gossip. Little details into other people's lives always interested her. ++ Honestly, Crisis Sonata was surprised that Breaker [i]did[/i] actually decide to stick around for a while. He'd never come across as a bookworm to her. Then again, maybe all serious and quiet people liked to read. Boring. Shrugging, Crisis sat back into one of the chairs in the lounge, crossing her legs and glancing between the room's inhabitants. At the comment about living alone, she sniffed and waved her hand dismissively in the air. "Oh, enough about me. Let's talk about [i]you,[/i]" she said sarcastically, without really agreeing or disagreeing with Breaker's inference. In any case, he lost interest with the lounge pretty quickly, and soon Crisis was forced to stand lazily and wave the two residents of the castle goodbye, again not caring whether they payed her attention at this point. The lady seemed pretty focused, and focused people were no fun. As for the man...Well, whatever. Quicksilver Seraph walked pretty fast, and she didn't seem the dilly-dallying type of woman. The question she had posed to the other Egos, however, intrigued Crisis, and she found herself asking as they entered the kitchen, "What are these games you speak of?" As she asked, Crisis took a cup from the stacks and paused, deciding on what to get. Her stare lingered questioningly on the sleeping Midwinter's Envoy for a moment, but she overall concluded that it was best to ignore him because they were on tour.