Blake Hawthorne stood open mouth as his name, along with everyone else’s, magically fluttered from the contract and into the air… It wasn’t every day you see what was clearly magic at work, Blake thought to himself, watching the names losing some letters here and there. Squinting, he attempted to make out what they spelt-- Bam. Before he could even protest, the letters soared towards his face and slammed into his forehead, sinking in. [i]Makoto…[/i] he thought to himself, gingerly rubbing his forehead. Makoto was… his name? Blinking, Makoto snapped his attention towards Lady Katashi upon hearing her say: “Well, there you have it. I was lying, as your kind seem to do so often.” Lady Katashi’s and Yoru’s previous disagreement didn’t even interest him, what did was the fact she lied. Lady Katashi had lied to them. How could she?! Makoto was about to retort before being dragged outside, and into the elevator. Dusting himself off, Makoto regained the dignity he could and stood up, clutching onto his satchel as he stood in the corner of the elevator as it descended. Makoto’s heart was lifted, however, upon hearing Yoru’s general concern for the children. Maybe Yoru wasn’t so bad after all. Yoru actually looked like he did care, deep down in his own way. Makoto made sure to remember his advice, and then waited in anticipation for the elevator door opening to reveal their new home. Makoto couldn't help but giggle at the ridiculous display, finding it entertaining. Lady Katashi’s office seemed like a distant memory, and he was glad that everyone wasn’t as mean-- too soon. Because as quick as it came, the feeling had fled upon noticing how they were regarded like disgusting creatures… Makoto didn’t know quite how to react, so instead he retreated back into his shell, hiding amongst the children. Makoto didn’t even come out when the workers were sent scurrying back to work. “Hello… I'm… I'm Makoto,” was the only thing he said to Mia before falling silent again.