[b]Blast Girl[/b] She had to admit, she wasn't completely sure that Locust could still speak. It didn't change that no matter how hard she planned to hit him she wasn't planning on killing him, but still. The moment she saw him start to spit, Blast Girl jumped back, but it was just a moment too late. The gunk splattered all over the front of her chestplate and immediately began corroding the metal. Damn it! That chest plate was pretty important, and it made her outfit look better on top of that! It wasn't thin, but still, she had to do something before it ate through! The blonde reached up and seized both sides of her chest plate, wrenching it forward and completely off of her leotard, backpedaling as she did to avoid the flurry of slashes aimed at her body. One claw nicked her arm, and she winced, but that was no big deal! Acid still hissing through her chest plate, Blast Girl swung her chestplate upwards, bursting forward. "RIGHT BACK AT YOU!" With that, she swung the hunk of metal down as hard as she could, right at Locust! She was pretty sure the acid on it wouldn't do a thing to him since it came out of his body, but big hunks of metal tended to hurt for anyone.