[b]Tyden Konrad - Hunter[/b] As he was busying myself with eating the kitchen leg that he grabbed earlier as he quickly emptied his cup of wine. In a very short time the large hall became very lively full of hunters and servants walking back and forth and talking to each other. He admitted he wasn't exactly the sociable type. Probably because all his life has been composed of nothing but training to be a hunter and the hunting itself. And that left no room for a social life. But he couldn't complain. He liked his life and he couldn't imagine himself doing anything else. Even if he had a choice he wouldn't know what to do. This is all he knew, all he was good at. He then set my sights on a roasted turkey as he grabbed a knife and sliced himself a hefty piece and putting it in his plate together with a butter covered potato. After weeks of tiresome travelling and innapropriate eating it was good to finally eat accordingly. He was a man with a big apetite and a good metabolism. Then a servant approached him. "May I fill your cup Sir." He asked him politly and humbly. "Sure!" Tyden said as he looked at him and grabbed his empty cup, pointing it in his direction. After he finished pouring the wine Tyden turned around, took a sip of the cup and observed everyone. He loved that. It's more entertaining to him then anythying. As he let down his cup and started eating he couldn't help but smirk at Eva's colorful laugh. It almost made everything a whole lot better. Tyden couldn't help but notice the considerable ammount of elves in the hall. Hunters in Seisau were taught to dislike anything not human. They were also forbidden any kind of relation with the "non-humans". This category included elves as well.He didn't knew why. That was their doctrine he guessed. Tyden tried not to think too much about it. Then the king showed up in the room. The man looked amazing. Very well built character, and he comanded respect.