Co-GM'd by KiraTheRogue [center]The world as it was known came to a cataclysmic end at the end of the third World War. But from the ashes rose a new species: vampires. Altered by radiation, they became the dominant species on the planet, while normal humans became nomadic hunter-gatherers. Vampires formed holds and cities, but to increase their numbers, they sired (turned) humans. These vampires were treated as inferiors, subjected to three different types of tasks to break their spirits. But sometimes if something is pushed too far, it pushes back... sometimes violently. [/center] [center][b]Vampires[/b] - Not traditional (can walk in sunlight, stakes to the heart and garlic do not affect them) - Not immortal (although the average lifespan is increased tenfold) - Strength, speed, endurance, healing abilities, and senses are enhanced - Can be killed by decapitation, burning, or severe blood loss - Require blood to function (can be from any source) - Can access Genetic/Sanguine Memories by drinking blood, and are memories from up to five months prior; willingly sharing Genetic Memories is a way of showing trust among vampires[/center] [center][b]Rules[/b] 1- Be respectful. This means no arguing, spamming, or flaming. 2- Yes, this deals with mature subject matter: violence, sex, language, and possibly gore. Keep it at a PG13 level. If you're going to have ~le sexy time~ take it to PMs. 3- No godmodding. This includes controlling other players' characters without permission, autokilling, autohitting, and being immortal. 4- There will be a 3-strike system: Strike one- Warning to the player via PM; Strike two- One week ban from the RP, and one character is injured; Strike three- Permaban from the RP, all characters killed. 5- All RPG rules apply. 6- Have some good, bloody fun![/center] [center][b]Trials[/b] There are only three types of "tasks and trials" your character would have undergone: [hider]1. Assassination/hunting (your character was forced to kill leaders of opposing vampire clans, had to hunt large and dangerous animals, etc. Also entails hunting humans to turn.) 2. Play Toy (Female only; your character served as a "play toy" for the lustful male vampires. Fact: If your character was sired a virgin, they will stay a virgin because of the healing abilities previously mentioned, though oddly, they become unable to bear children.) 3. Feeder (Your character was seen as too weak to do anything of major importance or they broke under the stress of the other two options and was subjected to becoming a source of food for the other vampires in the clan.)[/hider][/center] [center][b]Profile Sheet[/b][/center] [quote]Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Biography: (Include how they were turned, if they were) Side: (Hunter or Renegade?) Trial number: (If renegade) Other: (Anything that doesn’t fit above)[/quote] Name: John Halsey Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: John has black hair and piercing silver eyes. He's built for speed, strength, and agility. He tends to wear black boots and pants,a white shirt, and a black trench coat. Additionally, he wears armor plates on his shins, chest, upper and lower arms; the armor on his upper arms resembles Hayabusa armor from Halo 3. Personality/bio: Usually quiet, preferring to keep to himself, John also believes that actions speak much louder than words. He has a strong sense of justice, which has gotten him into trouble more than once. Unlike most, he was found with no memory and turned. John was trained to fight, to hunt and kill. However, his moral sense told him to leave... and prepare to fight back. Renegade or hunter: Renegade Trial number: 1 Other: Uses a custom pistol and shotgun; ammunition for the shotgun includes breaching, slugs, and incendiary, while pistol has "shredder" rounds. Also wields a short sword, similar to Sting from LotR. Name: Micah Sanguis Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Micah is an albino, with pure white hair and red eyes. Because of this, he often wears a cloak to cover himself (even with advanced regeneration rates, he can still suffer severe sunburns). He's not overly muscular or tall, and could pass for a normal man, build-wise. Personality: Cold and calculating, easily the best tracker in the western hemisphere. He enjoys causing pain, and delights in stalking his prey before killing it. Biography: Born a vampire, Micah always looked down on those Sired, like other vampires, but he didn't just dislike them-- he came to enjoy hurting and killing them. Eventually, he became the top tracker, and an able warrior, and has the highest number of recaptures and kills in his keep. Side: Hunter Other: Micah wields a pair of handguns, and is an expert shot with them. Excellent when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.